20. week of pregnancy is the halfway point. Think how many have happened in the last 4.5 months. You found out that you were going to have a baby, saw the beans on the ultrasound scan, and now you can feel the baby squirming in your increasingly larger belly.
- 20. week: how is your baby developing?
- 20. week: what's going on with you?
- 20. week: what to look for. Top recommendations
20. week: how is your baby developing?
Your baby is 18 weeks pregnant, but according to medical calculations you are in the 20th week of pregnancy. A fetus at this age is about 15-16 cm and weighs 225 g. It resembles a large grapefruit in size. If it seems like it's still not much, think about the size of a poppy seed in the first month of life.
- The nerve cells responsible for a child's senses develop in the brain: taste, smell, hearing, sight and touch. The little boy can already recognize your voice, which comes to him from outside. He calms down when you sing to him, or he can get angry when he receives a loud noise - the fetal heart also reacts to this noise. It tastes like amniotic waters, the taste of which varies depending on your diet,
- neural connections responsible for memory and thinking are formed,
- the baby's skin becomes thicker and becomes covered with oily fetal fluid, which protects against the effects of amniotic waters on the body,
- tooth buds appear in the gums, but they will not erupt until a few months after birth,
- the digestive organs eventually place and close themselves in the abdominal cavity. If they are not outside, the doctor will check them during the next ultrasound.
- Fetal development: how the fetus develops week by week
6 things you should do before giving birth
20. week: what's going on with you?
Although this is only the second trimester, in the 20th week of pregnancy, you may feel the first contractions that prepare the uterus for delivery. This is called Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are weak and sometimes not felt at all by the mother-to-be. However, if you do feel them, lie down or change positions and they will calm down and pass by themselves. Do not be afraid of whatyou feel, it portends something wrong - threatening contractions are the opposite of Braxton-Hicks contractions: they do not pass by themselves and increase rather than weaken.
You are now in the 20th week, i.e. the 5th month of pregnancy
An unpleasant symptom that may be accompanying you now more and more often is itching in the abdomen caused by constantly stretching skin. If the itching also affects the hands and feet, tell your doctor as it may be a symptom of maternal cholestasis.
Many women in their 20th week of pregnancy already complain of sleep problems. The tummy is not very annoying yet, but it can already make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Another cause of insomnia may be increased discharge in the nose, making it difficult to breathe. This is the effect of hormones that increase the production of nasal secretions.
- Sleep problems in pregnancy - how to deal with them?
Remember that you will fall asleep faster if you are relaxed, the room will be aired and your stomach not full. You can also buy a large pillow - a croissant to put under your back or legs while sleeping.
- Pillows for sleeping during pregnancy. Types, sizes, price of pillows for pregnant women
20. week: what to look for. Top recommendations
In the 20th week of pregnancy, you already have a round belly, visible under a dress or blouse. Try to wear loose fitting clothes that won't oppress him. You can buy maternity clothes that will emphasize your bumps nicely and in which you will be comfortable.
- Maternity clothes: how to look fashionable when pregnant
You'll have an ultrasound done in the next week or two. Think and agree with your husband if you want to know the sex of the baby during the visit to the ultrasound office. Most parents are looking forward to hearing this news, but there are others who prefer to have a surprise - in this case, it is worth advising the doctor not to say what he sees on the screen.
If you have not yet done the ordered urine morphology and tests, go to the clinic - during the visit you will have to show the doctor the results.
- Blood testing of pregnant women may be abnormal
The fact that you are reading this shows that you want to learn as much as possible about your baby and what is happening to your body. This is good, because the greater the knowledge, the greater the awareness of future mothers during childbirth. Read as much as you can about pregnancy and how to prepare for childbirth, how to care for your baby and how to take care of yourself during puerperium and lactation.
- How your pregnant body will change
Also read:
- Second trimester of pregnancy
- 21. week of pregnancy
- 22. week of pregnancy
- 23. week of pregnancy

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