22. the week of pregnancy is the time when you can fully enjoy your pregnancy: nausea disappears, energy returns, well-being improves. The tummy is already rounded, but not too big yet. This is a good time to be active as well as to relax.
- 22. week of pregnancy: how your baby develops
- 22. week of pregnancy: what's going on with you?
- 22. week of pregnancy: what to look for. Top recommendations
22. week of pregnancy: how your baby develops
A fetus at 22 weeks gestation is about 350 grams and about 20 cm long.
The 22nd week is the end of the 5th month of pregnancy
- If you decided to have an ultrasound right now, you would see a pointed chin and a furrow between the upper lip and the nose, as well as eyebrows, eyelashes and hair, so far white, because it is completely devoid of pigment.
- The muscles of the neck are so strong that the fetus is already able to lift the head and rest it against the walls of the uterus.
- In girls, the vagina is fully developed, in boys the process of descending of the testicles into the scrotum is underway.
- The bone marrow already produces a lot of white blood cells.
- The fetus also begins to produce a surfactant, a substance that makes alveoli in the lungs elastic and does not burst when breathing. So far, there is very little of it.
- The movements are getting stronger, and therefore more and more felt. So maybe this week you will feel that they can really be painful and annoying.
- Hearing is developed to such an extent that even a small noise can tease the baby and wake him up - he will demonstrate his dissatisfaction with kicks. Therefore, if you want to rest yourself a bit, take care of silence.
- The senses develop intensively: sight, taste, and even touch - the fetus "discovers" that it has hands, grasps the umbilical cord and starts squeezing it. It can also tell when it is light or dark. She definitely prefers twilight, which can be checked by holding a lit flashlight against the belly: the fetus will probably turn its head then, which you will feel as a firm, sudden movement.
22. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
In the 22nd week of pregnancy you should feel much better than in the first weeks of pregnancy: nausea will subside,your mood changes will be less frequent, you will have more energy and will also have a greater appetite.
- Mood swings in pregnancy - symptoms of early pregnancy
You can also be more distracted than before - the norm is to put dirty dishes in the washing machine and lose your keys all the time.
- CREST in pregnancy: how to deal with it?
Bleeding gums that are now swollen and painful can be quite troublesome. You can reduce them by using a soft brush and scrubbing your teeth more gently.
You may also start to experience slight swelling in your legs.
- Swollen legs in pregnant women - how to reduce discomfort associated with swollen legs
Usually a lot of white vaginal discharge appears right now - it's a physiological state and nothing to worry about.
Is a pregnant period possible?
22. week of pregnancy: what to look for. Top recommendations
22 weeks of pregnancy is a good time to travel, even abroad. You can fly or travel by car (in this case, remember to fasten your seat belts), but consult your doctor before departure.
It's a time of cravings, so you can feel like a herring with chocolate and whipped cream more than ever before. It is worth remembering, however, that their taste will be felt not only by you, but also by the baby in the belly, because what you eat affects the taste of amniotic fluid.
- Pregnant diet: eat he althy for two
In the 22nd week, pain in the sides and lower abdomen are felt - they are the result of stretching of the ligaments around the uterus. They are not dangerous, but it is worth telling about them to the attending physician.
- Abdominal pain in pregnancy: norm or cause for concern?
Dizziness and even fainting can now be quite common. They can be caused by the pressure of the uterus on the blood vessels, as well as by a high concentration of progesterone or a low level of glucose. They are not dangerous, but if they occur, consult a doctor who may order additional blood tests.
- Dyspnea, dizziness, fainting during pregnancy
Also read:
- Second trimester of pregnancy
- 23. week of pregnancy
- 24. week of pregnancy
- 25. week of pregnancy