Many pregnant women, especially in the third trimester, have problems with edema. This is because in the body of the expectant mother, more than two liters of blood circulate more than usual, and its flow is hindered by the enlarging uterus. To reduce the discomfort of swollen legs, first of all, avoid high-heeled shoes, wear anti-varicose tights, and use cooling creams and soothing swelling.
In the body of a woman inpregnant , more than two liters of blood circulate more than usual, and its flow is hindered by an enlarged uterus. In addition, under the influence of hormones (estrogen), the veins lose their elasticity, the blood circulates in them slower and the circulatory system is unable to receive excess water from the tissues. This is why you have swollen anklesand legs,and feel like they weigh a ton or two.
Low-heeled shoes recommended for pregnant women
To reducepuffinessfirst of all, give up shoes with high heels (those over five centimeters block the calf muscles), the best will be two to four centimeters. Why not wear completely flat shoes? Because in them, the weight of the body overloads the feet and hinders blood circulation.
It is worth wearing anti-varicose tights during pregnancy
Special anti-varicose tights will help you, which, by properly compressing individual parts of the legs, act as a massage, support blood and lymph circulation and prevent varicose veins. You can buy them in pharmacies or stores with articles for pregnant women.
Foot massage, cooling creams and sprays will relieve swelling
You can also reach for pharmaceutical preparations, strengthening the veins, as well as gels, creams and sprays, cooling and relieving swelling. Relief will also bring you massages of the feet with a rough washcloth, pouring them alternately with cold and warm water and soaking in not too warm water with s alts for the feet.
Worth knowingWhat should be avoided to keep the swelling as little as possible
First of all, staying in one position for a long time (sitting, standing), crossing your legs and excess s alt. Try to rest as often as possible with your legs elevated to help blood flow upwards towards your heart. You can also put a pillow or a blanket roll under them at night.