19. the week of pregnancy is the moment when the mechanism develops, which will allow your baby to make coordinated movements in the future. This is also the time when the baby gains the weight of a medium-sized apple.
- 19. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
- 19. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
- 19. week of pregnancy: what to look for. Top recommendations
19. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
The baby is now about 13-15 cm and weighs 200 g. He is getting heavier and more agile - all because his nervous system is constantly developing and improving. In the 19th week of pregnancy, the greatest changes concern the nerve fibers, which will now conduct impulses better.
- Myelin, the fatty substance that coats nerve fibers, is still being produced. It determines the quality of conduction of impulses that are necessary for making precise movements.
- digestive juices begin to be released in the digestive system. For now, their task is to filter the amniotic fluid and pass it through the kidneys, before expelling it back into the amniotic sac,
- taste buds on the tongue,
- the lungs are already well developed, but would not be able to cope outside the uterus. Since the baby swallows the amniotic fluid, the lungs are still filled with it - this will continue until the birth,
- the baby already has his own rhythm of activity and rest. At times, it shows mobility, usually when mom is resting or after she has eaten a meal and the baby has received a dose of energy, at other times he is asleep - most often it is the moment of mom's activity, which calms the baby by rocking her body.
- Fetal Development: How Your Baby's Senses Are Developed
19. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
You now have very high levels of estrogen, which causes discoloration on your face. The line on the abdomen is also getting darker - the so-called linea negra and areola of the nipples.
- Skin discoloration in pregnancy - when do they arise and how to prevent them
Hair loss stops, which is why your hairstyle becomes lush and more beautiful. Use it, because, unfortunately, after giving birth, the body will naturally get rid of this "surplus".
How to take care of your hair during pregnancy? Care and treatmentshairdressing
19. week of pregnancy is almost the halfway point, no wonder that you are already starting to feel back pains caused by the change in your figure. An increasingly heavier tummy requires you to strive to maintain your balance (your center of gravity changes). So you stick your stomach out, bend your back in the lumbar region, and put your head forward - for now, the changes are not severe yet, but now take care of your spine, because pregnancy is a challenge for him. Exercise and strengthen your back muscles.
- Back exercises - 10 exercises to strengthen the back muscles
- Spine - spine pain in pregnancy
You are now in the 19th week, i.e. in the 5th month of pregnancy
In 19 weeks of pregnancy, you may still have pelvic pains caused by further stretching of the ligaments, but you may also suffer from swelling in your legs. The uterus, which now reaches the navel, compresses the veins, making it difficult for blood to flow to the heart and causing swelling.
- Swollen legs in pregnant women - how to reduce discomfort associated with swollen legs
You may also experience leg cramps for the same cause: obstruction in the drainage of blood from the extremities and compression of the pelvic nerves. Gentle massages of the calves before bedtime will help with cramps, because this is the time of the day that ailments are the most bothersome.
- Calf cramps in pregnancy - where do they come from and how to deal with them
Who is en titled to maternity leave?
19. week of pregnancy: what to look for. Top recommendations
A bigger belly is your advantage in the doctor's waiting room or in the supermarket checkout line. Remember that you have privileges as a pregnant woman and you can and should use them.
- Pregnancy has rights. What are the PRIVILEGES OF PREGNANCY?
Pregnancy en titles you to receive medical services out of sequence, to pass you in line and to use seats in buses and trams. It's not just a matter of invented law - it's a matter of security.
A pregnant woman has worse coordination of movements, due to the loose ligaments, it is more difficult for her to keep balance because the center of gravity of her body changes, she is also often weakened, she has dizziness. This is conducive to falls, which can be dangerous for the child, so if you can sit on public transport and avoid capsizing, just do it.
- Necessary support and privileges for pregnant women
You probably don't know yet whether you are going to give birth to a boy or a girl - ultrasoundonly in a week or two. But you can slowly start browsing the internet in search of a crib, stroller and other necessary things for the baby. Now you still have the strength to make purchases, so it's worth starting to plan them, especially those more expensive expenses.
- Layette for a newborn - necessary equipment, clothes, cosmetics and accessories
Also read:
- Second trimester of pregnancy
- 20. week of pregnancy
- 21. week of pregnancy
- 22. week of pregnancy

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