It has been proven that children develop better when surrounded by tenderness even before birth. Therefore, before a child is born, it is worth establishing close emotional contact with him. Make the best of your pregnancy so that your baby is born he althy and strong. The fetus has been shown to respond to the mother's moods and emotions. A lot is up to you - if you are in good shape, both physically and emotionally, your baby will be too.
Hasn't seen your face yet, hasn't gasped, hasn't cried. He is sitting in your tummy, he is warm, cozy, he doesn't worry about anything. He eats and sleeps when he feels like it. Heaven on earth? Not necessarily. Would you like to be locked for 9 months in a room, even a luxurious one, but without contact with the world? Probably not. That is why it is so important that you establish a close relationship with the baby that grows in your womb. 280 days alone ahead of you. Use them as best you can to make yourbabyborn he althy and strong. From the very beginning, a lot depends on you - if you are in good shape, your baby will be too. A proper diet, rich in folic acid, calcium, magnesium and iron, is very important. But that's not all.
Positive emotions help a baby in the womb to develop better
In Chinese and Japanese, the word "womb" means "a child's palace." What can you do to make your baby feel like a palace in your tummy? It has long been proven thatfetusreacts to mom's moods. He knows when she is angry and when she is happy he can hear her voice and other sounds. It is also known that maternal stress can have a negative effect on the baby. If you are very excited or nervous about something, your little one is exposed to a "flood" of hormonesstress . They reach it through the placenta along with your blood. Stress hormones stimulate - make the heart beat faster, make the blood vessels constrict, reducing the blood flow in the mother. This reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients flowing to the baby through the placenta. Doctors warn that strong negative experiences in the first weeks of pregnancy increase the risk of miscarriage, and in the late months they can even cause premature birth. And newborns, whose mothers duringpregnancies experienced long-term stress, they do not want to eat, have respiratory problems, are more irritable, capricious, cry more.
Therefore, if you are not in the best mental shape, you are experiencing various difficult emotions - you should seek help. Talk honestly about your problems with a loved one. And if that's not enough, see a psychologist. It is very important that you regain your emotional balance. Your peace of mind and well-being are now worth their weight in gold. When you are happy and relaxed, this good mood infects your little one. Your blood is high in endorphins - happiness hormones that also affect your baby. So make sure your little one gets as many positive signals as possible. If you let him feel loved and accepted, you will help him develop properly.
Research conducted in the USA has shown that listening to music in the prenatal period affects the development of the baby's brain - it is born with more nerve cells and nerve connections between both hemispheres of the brain. Listening to Mozart's music, the richest in high frequencies, is extremely beneficial for a child's development. Children whose mothers listened to her during pregnancy have a greater chance of being born joyful and calm, babble earlier, learn to sit up faster, are more creative and emotionally richer. They are more successful in school because music increases the level of catecholamines and serotonin (neurotransmitters involved in the learning process). Music also influences the limbic system responsible for remembering.
Recommended works by Mozart: Symphony No. 25 in G minor (KV 183), Andante Sostenuto from the sonata in C major for violin and piano (KV 296), German dance No. 2 (KV 605), Adagio from Divertimento in B flat major (KV 287).
Touch and stroking have a soothing effect on the baby in the stomach
Each of us gives off energy, also an unborn child (this can be photographed with a special device called a Kirlian camera). It has been proven that the energy fields of mother and child interact in some way. When mother is tenderly stroking her tummy, she contacts her baby. She tells him that she thinks about him, that it is very important to her, that she cares for them. A toddler often responds to this impulse with the language of his own body - movements of his arms, legs and head, changing his position, faster heart rate, higher blood pressure. Some mums can "steer" their baby by touch. By placing their hands on the belly, they make the baby follow them. You find it hard to believe? The movement of the baby behind the mother's hands can be observed during an ultrasound scan. The interesting thing is thatthe child reacts differently to the touch of the mother and father. At the beginning, when she is only familiar with her mother, she reacts less to her dad's touch. Over time, he also begins to recognize his hands. Once he gets used to them and likes them, he even misses them. Such tactile contact is not reserved only for parents. Other family members, and even pets, can also get to know your baby this way. There are known cases when a dog or a cat clung to the belly of the future mother, and after birth they did not leave the newborn a step, ensuring its safety. The child, on the other hand, quickly got used to his presence. The ability to communicate with the baby through touch is especially important in the last months of pregnancy. The woman then gets tired quickly and needs a lot of sleep. What to do when you want to sleep and the baby in your belly is playing happily? Put your hands to his stomach and, speaking softly or softly singing him a lullaby, make him take a nap.
The baby in the womb hears and picks up voices and sounds
At the end of the 4th month you will feel your baby's clear movements. You will probably notice that when you talk to him it becomes more lively. Was your voice reaching him? Yes, from the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby hears various sounds. The immediate surroundings of the uterus are not quiet - you can hear the blood flowing, your heart beating and other organs working. The sound level there reaches even 90 decibels, while we normally hear about 50-60 decibels. Not only that: through this noise and the abdominal wall of the mother, the sounds of the outside world reach the unborn child - mother's voice, dog barking, car horn. American scientists even claim that from the 25th week of pregnancy, the fetus remembers what it hears. It turned out that the children of the mothers who lived near the airport did not wake up after birth and did not react nervously to the sound of the passing plane. They have already got used to it during their fetal life.
In another experiment, expectant mothers were asked to read aloud a specific fairy tale to their unborn children. When the children entered the world, they reacted to her much more vividly than to the stories they heard for the first time.
The child, whom mother often talks to, reads fairy tales to him, talks about the world, recognizes her voice without any problems after birth. It's his favorite sound that calms them down. Therefore, try to find at least a few minutes each day to "talk" with your baby. Talk to him calmly, slowly and tenderly. It's good that you name your baby somehow. It doesn't have to be a proper name anymore, but some diminutive,an affectionate nickname, such as Sunny, Treasure or Misio. This will allow you to think of the developing entity in your belly as a specific person and prepare for it.
What can daddy do?
- massage and kiss the tummy,
- watch the baby's movements,
- guess where his head, hands, legs, bum are placed …
Such caresses and moments of tenderness give a sense of security not only to your woman, but also to your child.
The child reacts positively to calm music
Children in the fetal period react to music, so it is worth singing, playing instruments and listening to songs with them. They prefer the low tones of the cello, bassoon and double bass. Classical music, especially compositions by Bach, Mozart and Vivaldi, also influences them very well. The pace and rhythm of these works are close to the rhythm of the mother's heartbeat and have a soothing effect on the toddler and develop his intelligence (see the box).
Just remember not to overdo it. As in any field, also here moderation, common sense and respect for your own well-being are necessary. If you are not a music lover, there is no need to force yourself to go to concerts at the Philharmonic - the child will surely sense that mother is not happy or relaxed. It's best to listen to music that calms you down and makes you feel better. Are you a fan of jazz, reggae, hip-hop? There is no reason why you should suddenly stop listening to your favorite songs. Your baby will probably like your choice. And if he is not satisfied with what he hears, he will definitely let you know about it with a firm move.
When your baby finally comes into the world, the songs he knows and remembers from before his birth can become your allies. It was examined that as much as 90 percent. newborn music lovers fall asleep without whining or soother, hearing pleasant, familiar sounds. Play them or hum when you want to calm your baby down and make him fall asleep faster.