Back pain in pregnancy is a fairly typical ailment that usually does not foreshadow any serious problems. Adequate rest, not necessarily passive rest, should bring you relief quickly. The swimming pool and lounging in the tub are good, as well as gentle gymnastics and massage. If you are a mobile person with no back problems, you shouldn't worry about back pain.

If you had no postural defect beforepregnancyand had an active lifestyle,your spineshould function well now. It is an almost perfect structure: resilient, flexible, ready for changes. Therefore, regular weight gain and the bending of the thoracic and lumbar spine forward, typical during pregnancy (due to the growing belly) should not seriously strain it.

A neglected spine will make itself felt during pregnancy

Worse when you have neglected your bone and joint system for years. Even in your childhood, an orthopedist recommended corrective gymnastics for you, and you ignored the exercises? Do you often cross your leg? Are you slouching? Are you sleeping on an uneven mattress? Do you like to rest on an armchair in front of the TV and you don't like sports? Do you eat much more than you need (the optimal weight gain is 9-14 kg for childbirth)? If you answer yes to either of these questions, it is likely that the scaffolding consisting of bones, joints, muscles and ligaments that support the spine will rebel.


What about painkillers?

The following applies during pregnancy: no medications, including herbal medicines, without medical supervision. This applies not only to oral agents, but also ointments, creams, gels, oils, etc. Remember that the ingredients of external preparations also penetrate the body. Their anti-inflammatory or warming effect may be inadvisable in pregnancy, causing, for example, uterine contractions or adversely affecting the neurological system of the developing child. If this is the first time you experience severe back pain and the natural remedies do not bring relief, leave the selection of drugs to the gynecologist or orthopedist to whom your doctor may refer you, or swallow (once!) A tablet of paracetamol, which is considered safe during pregnancy, and Make an appointment with a specialist immediately.

Back pain in pregnancy

Displacement of the discs may occur, excessive tension in the paraspinal muscles in the areathe lumbar region, as well as pressure on the nerve endings.Back paincan occur at any stage of pregnancy, but it is usually troublesome in the last trimester. It usually concerns the lumbosacral section, commonly known as the cross. Sometimes it radiates to the buttocks and legs. Although you most often experience it "at your own request," you don't have to humbly suffer and wait for it to subside.

How to prevent back pain in pregnancy?

Even a he althy spine makes itself felt unpleasantly when you stand for too long, sit incorrectly or wear inappropriate footwear. If you have to stand longer, from time to time try to rest one foot or the other on a step or a curb. In this way, you shift your weight from leg to leg and activate different muscle groups. Do not sit on the edge of the chair and provide a solid support for your back and a possibility for your feet to go higher, e.g. thanks to a footrest. Change your position, because sitting still causes pressure on the uterus and painful tension in the back muscles.

You must do it

Be sure to contact your doctor when:

  1. Pains in the lower back are rhythmic and do not go away when you change your body position and rest. They can be caused by uterine contractions and opening of the cervical canal (so-called back pain). It's best to go to the hospital right away, especially if it's too early for the delivery.
  2. Ailments appear or worsen when urinating or are accompanied by burning or pain around the urethra. Most likely you don't have a back problem, but a urinary tract infection. It happens quite often in pregnancy. Your gynecologist will prescribe you the appropriate treatment, usually an antibiotic. It is important that you do a urine culture before taking your medications - it is worth knowing if you are actually attacked by the bacteria and with what measures are the best to combat it.
  3. You feel strong pains radiating to your legs, combined with impaired sensation and weakening of the strength of the legs. You may be suffering from a nucleus hernia (popularly known as "prolapsed disc") or sciatica. You will probably have conservative treatment (analgesic treatment, possibly mild rehabilitation, adapted to your condition), but it should be under the supervision of an orthopedist. Special abdominal belts are sometimes recommended.
  4. You have pain in the pubic symphysis and hip joints, making it difficult to move around. This could be a symptom of symphysis dehiscence. The treatment of this ailment is not complicated: it consists mainly in taking painkillers, leading a more economical lifestyle, or introducing a diet rich in gelatin (to strengthen the cartilage, responsiblefor troubles), but in this case you also need a doctor's care.

Necessary during pregnancy - comfortable shoes

The constant search for balance is not only inadvisable for the spine, but also dangerous as you can fall over. Even if you moved smoothly on high heels, now you have your center of gravity elsewhere and your previous skills are not enough. However, the footwear does not have to be completely flat. The optimal heel height is 1.5 cm. The soles should be thick and flexible, and the shoe (also in terms of width) should be adjusted to the actual foot size. Otherwise, you will move incorrectly and therefore put additional strain on your spine.

Changing your lifestyle during pregnancy

Although pregnancy is a natural physiological state, it's not true that you don't need to change the way you live. It is important for your spine to avoid certain housework, such as pinning curtains, vacuuming (requires a bent position), and especially carrying and lifting heavy loads. If you can't help but iron, do it on a board high enough so you don't have to bend down. Also, do not scrub the floor when tilted - you really just need to mop it. Just don't let it come to your mind to move a bucket full of washing water beforehand! You can harm not only the spine, but also the pregnancy in general. When setting up your daily menu, remember that your spine is not made of rubber and does not need more strain than nature intended. The caloric demand increases by only 20% during pregnancy, which is actually one small extra meal a day. These should not be sweets or fatty meats, but e.g. dairy products with fruit and vegetables.

A comfortable mattress necessary for a pregnant woman

Many expectant mothers usually experience back pain in the morning or at night. It is difficult to lie down comfortably to sleep with a growing belly. You will sleep best on your side - the upper leg bent in the knee, you can put a pillow under it. This position relieves the back and makes it easier to breathe. However, it is of little use when you sleep on the wrong mattress. It shouldn't have any bends or protrusions, it can't be hard enough to hurt your bones, or soft enough to make you sink into it. The bed should create an even surface - so fold-out sofas fall off. Give up a large and soft pillow under the head. It is she who usually causes the ailments of the cervical spine. After even the best night's sleep, get up gradually. Stretch a little muscles after prolonged lying are not fully ready for new tasks. During the day, if your back hurts, do not go back to lying downbed. Better lie on your back with your legs slightly raised (some women prefer a side position) and take a few easy breaths.

Swimming pool and bathtub - recommended during pregnancy

If your back hurts, you will find relief in the water. By using its benefits regularly, you can avoid back problems altogether. Swimming is perfect (at the beginning of pregnancy with a frog, then - on the back), just lying on its surface, gentle gymnastics (so-called aqua aerobics) or even walking on the water. Thanks to this, you relieve the tired spine, and at the same time increase the endurance of the muscles without excessive effort. In the water, your joints are also safe, as they are more prone to injuries during pregnancy (as a result of the action of hormones, they become looser, so that the pelvic bones can dilate during birth). You can splash around by yourself ( although it is better to have someone accompany you to the pool) or decide on group activities for pregnant women. The instructor will help you choose the right set of exercises and will provide you with any aids (foam noodles, boards). Activity is always recommended when pregnancy is going well. Therefore, before you start exercising in water, inform your doctor about your plans to make sure that there are no contraindications. If your back ache suddenly occurs, you can take a bath in a bathtub in water at a temperature of up to 36 ° C. Immerse yourself in it for a quarter of an hour, it will definitely do you good. If you feel your muscles tense, even a regular warm shower will be effective.

Pregnant massage

When your back or your back hurts, you can ask your partner to gently massage these areas. Lie on your side and let him slowly, in circular movements, move his hands along your spine. The best results are achieved by massaging a dozen or so minutes just before going to bed. Lumbosacral pain can also be relieved by lying on your back and placing your legs above your body, for example, on several pillows. The partner can then stroke and knead your legs or gently shake them. It is important to keep the direction towards the heart when rubbing and stroking, i.e. make movements from the foot to the thighs - this additionally relieves the swelling of the legs. You can also, and should, get a professional massage. It is best to visit a specialist for the first time around the 12th week of pregnancy, because then you will notice the effects of posture defects, which you did not feel before. The masseur (preferably recommended to you by your pregnancy doctor) will also give you specific advice on the proper lifestyle and exercises that you can use at home. During the treatments, only gentle techniques are used, without strong pressure or kneading. It is advisablestroking or gently rubbing the sore spots. The massage takes place in a sitting position or the so-called knee-elbow position. The masseur is especially careful in the lumbosacral region, because the nerve roots of the reproductive organs are located there. Applying too much pressure in this area could result in miscarriage or premature birth. Also think about visiting a massage therapist during the first three months after giving birth. Then you can use techniques that require greater strength and remove lactic acid from the muscles overloaded during pregnancy. A series of ten treatments, combined with home exercises, should restore your pre-pregnancy fitness.

Yoga is great for pregnant women

If you were not very physically active before pregnancy, start it carefully, gradually increasing the effort. Remember not to overexert yourself - exercise should be enjoyable. Yoga is perfect for pregnant women. Forget about stretching the abdominal muscles and the inside of the thighs, adding the knees to the chest, deepening the lumbar spine (back bends), cycling, jumping and balancing. Best of all, ask for a set of exercises from the attending physician.

When you have a spine defect - supervision by a physiotherapist is necessary

If you suffer from discopathy or any other ailment related to spine defects, you should be under the care of an orthopedist and a physiotherapist from the very beginning of your pregnancy. Under the influence of hormonal changes, the elasticity of tissues (ligaments, joint capsules, etc.) decreases, making it easier for the structures to slide in relation to each other, so your problems may deepen during pregnancy. The only advice is constant supervision by a physiotherapist, regular, special exercises (the so-called "low back pain school") and the use of a belly belt in the last trimester of pregnancy. It may also be advisable to consider a caesarean section. Usually it is not necessary, because the optimal preparation of the spine for 9 months allows it to endure the hardships of natural childbirth. However, this should be decided by specialists.

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