In the second month of pregnancy, the embryo is not yet a fetus. These weeks of pregnancy are a time of rapid growth - a pea-sized embryo reaches the size of a large strawberry after a month. And it already has all the most important organs.

Monthlyembryolooks like shrimp or shrimp, but in week 5of pregnancystarts to take on a more human shape because its tail fades. It now has a large, misshapen head, protruding forward, and a disproportionately small torso on which limb buds appear. At first they look like very short fins, but they grow very quickly. First, they lengthen and divide the bundle of hands into sections - these sections will be used for hands, forearms and arms. A little later, they similarly lengthen and divide the buds of the legs. During the 5th week of existence, the embryo grows more than twice - from 5 mm to 12 mm.
And what is going on inside it? Between days 28 and 35, the heart divides into two chambers, its contractions become more mature and regular - they occur at a rate of 150 beats per minute (twice as fast as an adult). The kidneys, liver, pancreas, and the early digestive system have already developed - the intestines are starting to develop (so far in the umbilical cord).

The course of pregnancy: evolution in a nutshell in the second month

An appendix is ​​developing around the intestine. This vestigial organ is a remnant of vegetarian ancestors, and modern man no longer needs it. At this stage of development, it is clearly visible that man is related to animal ancestors - for several weeks the human embryo "runs" through all the links connecting us with animals: for a short time it has a tail, gills, membranes between the fingers, so it resembles a fish embryo, an amphibian, and in the end of an ancestor of primates.


How does it look now

A two-month-old fetus is about 4 cm long (measured from the crown to the end of the body, i.e. without legs). It has a disproportionately large head with a clearly defined facial part - it shows dark spots (eyes) and the outline of the nose. All the limbs are already formed, and even the fingers and toes, so far connected by the membranes. Legs and arms begin to bend at the elbows and knees.

The course of pregnancy: a face appears in the second month

The face begins to become visible - dark spots transform intoeyes, two holes are the beginnings of the nostrils, soon you will be able to see the tip of the nose. The tongue, mandible and even tooth buds are formed in the mouth. On both sides of the head there are small bumps forming the ears. Interestingly, the eyes are also not on the front of the head at the beginning, but on both sides - as in birds. Over the next few days, the eyes and middle ear develop - an organ responsible for the sense of balance and hearing.

From the 38th day after fertilization, the embryo surrounds the fetal bladder - a bag filled with fluid that absorbs shocks and protects it from external pressure. By day 42, a tiny skeleton is fully formed, at first not made of bone tissue, but of plastic, gelatinous cartilage. Legs and arms get stronger and longer, and joints begin to form. As a result, the 7-week-old embryo makes the first, very weak movements (imperceptible to the future mother). It is then approx. 3 cm long (measured from the crown to the end of the body). After seven weeks, all fingers and toes are already connected by membranes, as in amphibians. Pads are formed on the fingertips of the hand. Approx. On the 38th day of fetal life, the eyelids begin to form and, as they grow, they gradually cover more and more of the eye.

You must do it

Necessary research

During the first visit, the doctor will conduct a detailed interview, check the weight and blood pressure, collect material for cytology, perform a gynecological examination and - if possible - ultrasound (with a probe through the abdomen or transvaginal), as well as order blood and blood pressure tests. urine. By the end of the 10th week of pregnancy (i.e. the 8th week of the embryo's life), the following tests should be performed:
● blood count
● general urine test
● blood group (Rh factor)
● for the presence of immune antibodies (anti-Rh) in the blood
● blood glucose concentration
● vaginal pH
● also obligatory towards: toxoplasmosis, rubella, syphilis (WR); Recommended: cytomegalovirus, chlamydiosis (cervical smear), HIV, HCV.

The course of pregnancy: embryo becomes fetus

After 8 weeks, the first stage of embryo development ends, henceforth it will be a fetus. These first 8 weeks are of great importance - it is then that all the most important human organs will develop (organogenesis), then they will only improve, specialize and grow. Also, most of the birth defects occur by the end of the 8th week - the embryo is then the least resistant to teratogenic factors (i.e. pregnancy-threatening), such as drugs, X-ray rays, cigarettes, alcohol, bacteria, viruses, hormones, etc.
Two-month-oldfetusma4 cm of parietal length and weighs approx. 5 grams. His brain is growing at such a rate that the head seems too large for his body. On the face you can see the eyes (already in their right place) and the nose. There are fingers and toes, wrists and elbows, knees and ankles - most joints have formed.
And inside? The heart is almost shaped. The baby's nervous system begins to function, as well as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and thyroid gland. The stomach opens and the intestines - which were forming in the umbilical cord - have moved into the abdominal cavity. The muscular system develops quickly, blood has been circulating in the bloodstream for several weeks now. The sex organs are one of the last ones to form - they begin to form in the 5th-6th. a week and for 2-3 weeks they look the same in both sexes. Only after this time they start to differentiate: girls develop ovaries and boys testicles.
