If you don't want to breastfeed, nobody has the right to force you to do so. It makes you not a worse mother. The mother's food is best for the infant, but breastfeeding is not compulsory. Then what to do with breasts full of milk? How to stop lactation and how to feed your baby?
-I don't want to breastfeedand I don't feel guilty about it. It doesn't make me feel any worse or better. I have no remorse, I do not think that I will hurt my toddler in this way or that I will take a chance from him, and I do not want to be persuaded by anyone to change my mind. I have already made my decision. And there are many such women. Why is there no advice for us - which milk to feednewborn , how often, what to take to the hospital? Should I tell the doctor and midwife in advance? If yes then when? - wrote Mrs. Magdalena.
There are more of such statements on forums and in comments, as well as in letters to the editor. Indeed, for several years now, almost exclusively breastfeeding has been discussed and written about, which - according to research - is the most beneficial for a newborn in many respects. Nobody argues with this. However, some specialists absolutely do not accept formula feeding from the beginning. And such a possibility also exists.
Why don't I want to breastfeed?
The reason for giving up breastfeeding may be a serious illness, but not only that. You also need to understand those mothers who made such a decision for other reasons. Not every woman has to be satisfied with the constant "bonding" withbaby , because when feeding, it is impossible to freely dispose of your time. There are women who are embarrassed by months of exposing themselves, often in the presence of other people or even in public places - it is too intimate for them. On the other hand, it can also be irritating to have to look for a secluded, secluded place to feed, as if they were some freaks that must get out of sight of normal people (feeding in bathrooms or hosts' bedrooms during social visits, etc.).
Many women are also discouraged by the biologism of this situation - the physiology of feeding itself and the need to be available to the baby at all times. As they say, they feel bad, reduced to the role of "dairy". You have to try to understand them and not condemn them or, worse, make them feel guilty. Motherbreastfeeding can be encouraged but not forced. And when the decision - for one reason or another - has already been made, it is necessary to help her and provide information.
Tell anyone you don't want to breastfeed
If you have decided not to breastfeed, you must tell the hospital where you are going to give birth before the birth. Inform the midwife and gynecologist who will be responsible for the labor, as well as the hospital pediatrician. They will ask you for the reason for this decision, so it is worth having an answer ready.
Hospital staff are committed to promoting natural breastfeeding, so you will likely be encouraged to change your mind, but remember that the final decision is yours - no one can force you to breastfeed against your will. On the other hand, it may be worth not to close yourself off from this possibility and - despite doubts - try it. Practice shows that sometimes even very reluctant to breastfeeding mothers change their minds after the baby is born. But nothing by force.
ImportantBe the most tender mother
Breastfeeding (thanks to the then secreted oxytocin) promotes the formation of an emotional bond between mother and child. You will be deprived of this possibility, but you can also do a lot to make it moments of closeness and tenderness for both of you. When feeding, look into the eyes of the baby, talk to him lovingly and hug him. Also in other circumstances, show your love to the child as often as possible - he needs it very much.
Ways to inhibit lactation
Whether you start feeding or not, your breasts will produce milk. Lactation will gradually stop, but not overnight - it usually takes a few days to several weeks. A woman's body produces milk when it is needed, but when the demand disappears, that is, when you do not attach your baby to your breast, production will be inhibited.
If you do not want to breastfeed, do not put your baby on your breast or express milk. When you have a lot of it, gently express a small amount, literally a dash of milk, to help you feel relieved in your breasts.
When your breasts are very tight and you feel lumps under the skin, you can compress cabbage leaves or gently stroke your breasts with your hand and massage with a warm shower. Note: the water must not be very warm or the massage too strong, because the effect of these actions will be opposite. Sage inhibits lactation, so you can drink the infusion of this plant (3-4 sachets a day). It does not matter - contrary to what was previously believed - the amount of fluids consumed, so it is not worth limiting drinking, because it can cause inflammation of the urinary system and disorderselectrolyte.
The breasts do not need to be bound with any bandages, dressings or tight underwear - these are outdated, ineffective, and even dangerous methods, because squeezing can lead to blockage of the milk ducts and inflammation of the breast. In some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of Bromergone, which inhibits the secretion of prolactin and, as a result, may reduce lactation. However, scientific research has not confirmed 100 percent. its effectiveness, and taking into account the unpleasant side effects of using this drug (it has a depressant effect!), most specialists strongly advise against it. Lactation will definitely stop by itself.
Milk for the newborn
For newborns (and children up to 4 months of age) not breastfed, the initial milk is intended, marked with number 1 (eg Bebiko 1, Bebilon 1, Nan 1). More specialized milk, e.g. for allergic children, is available on prescription, but you are not sure yet if your baby will require special mixtures. Anyway, you do not have to buy milk in advance, because there is no need to take it to the hospital - such milk is always available in neonatal departments. A pediatrician looking after a baby in hospital after a few days should already know if the formula that is fed to the baby suits him or her. Then he will write out a prescription for this milk or suggest a different one. Mixtures of different companies have a very similar composition, but they differ slightly in taste, and therefore some may taste more to a child, and others less.
It is worth taking your own 2-3 feeding bottles with teats to the hospital. To start with, all you need is small 125 ml bottles and mini slow-flow teats (i.e. with a small opening). Teats and bottles must be sterilized before first use and then after each feed. However, you do not need to take your own sterilizer to the hospital - it should be available in the ward (but it's better to ask about it in advance). The mixture should be prepared and brought by the nurses, so there is no problem with boiling water. But when you get home, remember that formula should be made with Oligocene or low-sodium mineral water. The water must always be boiled first, and the mixture must be prepared only after it has cooled down. Milk should have the same temperature as human milk, i.e. approx. 37 ° C. Note: Strictly follow the ratio of powder to water stated on the milk packet.
How often to feed?
There are no strict guidelines here. You just need to watch your baby and feed as much as he needs, so you need to feed on demand. Newborns usually eat 6-8 times a day. It's hard to saythe amount of milk per feeding, because it is an individual matter. When feeding your little one, make him sit in a semi-sitting position (his head should be slightly higher than the rest of his body), then put the teat in his mouth and let him suck. When your baby refuses to open his mouth, you can gently rub the nipple over his lip. When feeding, make sure the bottle is tilted at all times so that the neck and teat are filled with milk. Otherwise, the baby will suck in air and this may cause colic.
ProblemWhen breastfeeding is impossible
Some women have to give up natural breastfeeding due to illness - contraindications are:
- untreated active tuberculosis (note: more and more cases are reported)
- HTLV-1 infection (causes chronic neuropathy and increases the risk of leukemia in early childhood) and HTLV-2 (causes ataxia, i.e. disturbances in coordination and balance)
- herpes on the nipple
- mental illness
- drug addiction
- the use of certain medications (there are very few of them - the decision regarding the feeding should always be consulted with a doctor).
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