Lactation crisis is a temporary shortage of food. Usually this is a natural process and serves to ensure that the quantity and quality of the food adapts to the growing and changing organism of the baby. However, sometimes lactation problems can be caused by other factors. What are the causes and symptoms of a lactation crisis? When does it appear and how long does it last?
Lactation crisisoccurs when too little milk is produced in the milk ducts of the breast and the nursing woman is unable to satisfy her child's hunger.
Lactation crisis - causes
Lactation crisisis usually a natural process related to the so-called child's developmental leaps. A woman's body regulates the amount of milk produced by itself, based on the needs of the baby. Therefore, it takes time for the food to adapt in quantity and quality to the growing and changing organism of the infant.
In other cases, the lactation crisis may be associated with hormonal changes in the nursing mother's body, fatigue and stress.
Momentaryproblems with lactationmay be caused by insufficient stimulation of the breasts, which results in a reduction in the amount of milk produced. This happens when your baby is grasping the breast incorrectly or when the gaps between feedings are too long.
Loss of breast milkmay occur when the baby is not regularly attached to the breast. Then there is a decrease in the level of prolactin - a hormone that causes lactation.
Lactation disorderscan also be the result of a baby irritating the nipples. The nipple is bitten when the baby grasps the breast too shallow or too deep.
In turn, injured nipples create an environment for the development of microorganisms that cause inflammation of the mammary gland, e.g. breast inflammation, which effectively impede feeding.
Giving a baby a pacifier disrupts the proper suckling reflex, and thus reduces the amount of milk produced.
Another cause of the lactation crisis may be bottle feeding the baby. Such practices lead to the lazy baby who grips the breast reluctantly. The consequence is a weakening of the prolactin reflex(food production reflex).
Lactation crisis - symptoms
During the lactation crisis, the breasts of a nursing mother are not swollen, full and hard, but they become smaller and softer, and all attempts to squeeze out the milk are unsuccessful. The baby close to the breast is grumpy and cries.
When does a lactation crisis occur and how long does it last?
The lactation crisis usually occurs in the 3rd and 6th weeks and the 6th and 9th months of the baby's life and usually lasts from 2 to 7 days.
ImportantWhen should you see a doctor?
As long as your baby is steadily growing and calm, don't be alarmed. However, if your child is not gaining more than 100 g / week, you should see your doctor. It may be necessary to use replacement feeding.
Don't do thatThe lactation crisisdoes not last long and does not mean the end of the natural feeding of the baby, therefore:
- do not try to express breast milk;
- do not give your baby a pacifier;
- do not give the baby a bottle (it is easier to drink from a bottle than from a breast, so the baby can quickly get used to it and become lazy. Then he will definitely not want to suck his breasts);
- do not give your baby artificial food - the formula is very satiating, so the baby, after reattaching to the breast, will consume less milk and the woman's body will receive information about the need to reduce milk production and the lactation process will end prematurely.