Testicular failure, cryptorchidism, is a condition where the testicles have not descended into the scrotum. Even during his fetal life, the boy's testicles descend from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum, which is where they should be permanently. Very often the testicles do not take their position until after birth, and that is also normal. However, if they do not appear in the scrotum after the age of 3 months, treatment must be started.
- Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - how to diagnose?
- Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - causes
- Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - possible cause of infertility
- Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - treatment
- Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - when surgery is necessary
- Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - when to treat?
Cryptorchidism is otherwise the failure of the testicles. These terms are used interchangeably. Annuallytesticular failureis diagnosed in several thousand boys. These data refer to children between the ages of 1 and 3, because by that time the testes may have spontaneously descended into the scrotum without any intervention.
For understandable reasons, the situation is completely different in the case of premature babies. Complications after an untreatedcryptorchidism , i.e. non-descent of the testicles, are quite serious. They can lead totesticular cancer , among others. Misplaced testes also very often causeinfertility .
Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - how to diagnose?
The question is how to check in a child thattesticlesare where they should be. Contrary to appearances, it is not easy and completely unambiguous, because sometimes we are dealing with the so-called traveling nuclei.
It is worth conducting such a home test under the most favorable circumstances, at the right temperature, when the child is relaxed - preferably right after bathing (provided that the temperature does not change significantly - lowering it may distort our test).
If something bothers you - not only the lack of a testicle, but e.g. its strange location, you should definitely report it to the pediatrician. The attending physician himself should examine the child in this regard during a routine examination at the clinic. There isis a permanent element of balance research.
Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - causes
Simply put, testicular failure is caused by a hormonal disruption in the mother during pregnancy or by testicular immaturity. Testicular non-descent can also be associated with abnormal body composition, e.g. improper attachment of the testicle (the way the testicle descends) to the testicle, on one side, or to the scrotum, on the other.
ImportantThere are many types of cryptorchidism (non-descending kernel). It may, for example, be of a temporary nature, the so-called the wandering testicle - a condition arising from levator testicular hyperactivity or acquired - was present in infancy and re-occurred in boyhood. In addition, there are many types of typical cryptorchidism - the testicle can be located in the abdominal cavity or in the groin, therefore a proper diagnosis, supported by appropriate tests, including ultrasound, is extremely important before any procedures are performed. This test is necessary for the so-called testicles undetectable (undetectable and thus inaccessible to examination).
Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - possible cause of infertility
The process of producing sperm, the so-called spermatogenesis must take place under appropriate conditions. It is mainly about the right temperature. That is why, among others, men who want to maintain fertility should not wear tight-fitting clothes, because they act like a compress.
The situation is similar when the kernels are not in place. The temperature in the body is about 2 degrees Celsius higher than in the scrotum. This fact prevents the production of sperm. It is true that the boy's body begins to produce sperm only during puberty, but it prepares for it from the third month of life. It is a multi-level process. If the testicles do not descend, the spermatogenesis process is disturbed. This contributes to infertility.
Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - treatment
There is a belief that the only way to cure this ailment is surgery. Meanwhile, in many cases it is possible to do without surgical intervention, using hormone therapy.
The treatment consists in administering to the patient a hormone (directly chorionic gonadotropin or a hormone that releases it from the body). Both methods are effective and the physician decides about their choice. However, it is worth remembering that the consequence (very distant in time) of a failed surgery may be infertility.
Hormones are given in several doses, in the form of injections. Their number and composition depend on the age and weight of the child. Such therapy usually takes several weeks. Sometimesit is necessary to use it again after a few months.
Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - when surgery is necessary
The operation is performed when the use of other treatment is ruled out. The urologist decides about its conduct. Before we decide to undergo surgery, having an alternative hormone treatment, it is also worth remembering that it is always a mechanical intervention. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Its course depends on the exact location of the testicle. The procedure involves physically repositioning the testicle in place.
Too long delay in treatment may have irreversible effects on the boy's he alth and comfort of life. The earlier they start, the less chance of complications in the future is less.
We recommend: Testing the testicles - every man should do it
As much as 80 percent Cases of infertility arising from complications after non-descent of the testicles are observed in patients whose treatment is only initiated after adolescence. This percentage drops to a dozen or so percent when the treatment of irreplaceable testicles was successfully performed just before the boy reached the age of two.
Testicular failure (cryptorchidism) - when to treat?
Apart from the above-mentioned fertility improvement, proper treatment is necessary for the psychological comfort of young boys and men. Apart from purely medical reasons, the lack of a testicle in the scrotum has a destructive effect on the psyche and can be the source of many complexes. In addition, the undescended testicle is also burdened with a higher risk of cancer - up to 25 times.