2 months ago I had a baby. Around the 6th month of pregnancy, my ankles and entire feet (ie fingers, etc.) started to swell. My legs are swollen the most around my ankles. The swelling decreased significantly after resting. The attending gynecologist told me that this was normal and that it would pass after the birth. Yes, the swelling has gone down a bit, but the legs are still very swollen (especially the ankles). I was referred for a vein Doppler ultrasound. The ultrasound came out without any changes. Meanwhile, the swelling does not go away, for several days I have had pain in the tips of my toes, now all my feet hurt, down to the ankles. What could be the reason?
An opinion on the cause of the observed ankle swelling can only be issued by a doctor after examination in the office. From the theoretical point of view, pregnancy, due to numerous changes in the hormonal profile, may contribute to the formation of edema due to insufficiency of the venous system. Early stages of the insufficiency of the venous system of the lower extremities may still not be visible on ultrasound. Another sign of early-stage venous insufficiency may be small blood vessels visible under the skin of the lower limbs - usually around the bend under the knee. If you have such vessels, it may indicate that the venous insufficiency is one of the factors. The second very common cause of edema is excess s alt in the diet, especially in people who have kidney problems. It is worth paying attention to the s alt, and more precisely to the sodium ion in the diet. On the pages of our website I run an educational blog at http://www.poradnikzdrowie.pl/blogi/blog/cywilizacja-soli/33/1/ in which I discuss in detail many practical issues related to the diet recommended for people who should avoid sodium ion. I invite you to read.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Krystyna KnyplInternist, hypertensiologist, editor-in-chief of "Gazeta dla Lekarzy".
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