Semen examination - a semogram - consists in the evaluation of sperm, prostate secretions and seminal vesicles. It is a basic semen test performed in order to determine the cause of infertility and to exclude or confirm paternity.
Semen testi.e.seminogramis a test aimed at assessing sperm, prostate and seminal vesicle secretions, and more specifically.
- concentration, i.e. an estimate of the sperm count expressed in millions per ml of semen and an estimate of the total sperm count in the semen
- mobility - the path taken by the sperm is assessed
- build sperm.
Semen analysis (semogram) - indications
The seminogram is one of the basic tests to diagnose the causes of infertility and to establish paternity.
Semen analysis (seminogram) - how to prepare?
The doctor conducting the examination should be informed about the frequency of ejaculations in the last three months, past or current illnesses, drugs and drugs used, exposure to high temperature, radiation, ultrasounds, etc.
Before the semen test, you should abstain from sexual activity for 2 to 7 days, ideally 3-4 days.
In order to obtain the maximum quality of semen, you should also abstain from sexual activity (refraining from ejaculation) 3-5 days before the examination.
If a blood sample is required for analysis on the same day, the semen should be donated after the blood was collected. You should refrain from drinking alcohol 3 to 5 days before the test. In the case of antibiotic therapy, it is recommended to perform a semen analysis 2 weeks after its completion.
Semen analysis (semogram) - what is it?
Sperm donation takes place in an intimate, closed and separated room of the clinic. The ejaculation of semen is obtained through masturbation. The semen must come from the first and only ejaculation. They are placed in a clean, dry, and sterile glass vessel that is obtained in the laboratory, where the analysis is performed. You can go to the clinic with your partner.
If the examination reveals any abnormalities or is performed in order to establish paternity, it must be done two or three timesto repeat. In case of suspicion of infertility, they are repeated every three months.
Semen examination (seminogram) - sperm donation at home
Donating sperm in the laboratory for some men is not a very comfortable situation. The solution is todonate sperm at homevia masturbation or intercourse. The possibility of collecting semen during intercourse is provided by a specially designed condom (Male Factor Pak).
The sperm collection condomis made of a material that is not harmful to sperm and does not contain any spermatozoa. The semen in the condom should be brought to the laboratory quickly (within an hour) and at a temperature close to body temperature.
Semen cannot be stored in the refrigerator. It should be remembered that semen samples donated outside the facility are accepted for testing only in exceptional circumstances and only after prior consultation with a laboratory employee.
A condom for sperm donation costs about PLN 100. You can buy it at a clinic that offers semen analysis or online (however, in the latter case, you should look for reliable sources).