Ovarian cysts can arise unexpectedly without any discomfort. There are about 40 types of ovarian cysts. Those caused by hormonal disorders usually disappear on their own after a few menstrual cycles. However, sometimes the cysts stubbornly stay in place and grow, becoming a threat to a woman's he alth.
Ovarian cystslooks like a balloon filled with serum fluid, blood or solid tissue.
There are about 40 types of ovarian cyst. Those caused by hormonal disorders usually disappear on their own after a few menstrual cycles.
Sometimesan ovarian cystreaches considerable dimensions. There are cysts the size of a grapefruit and even a baby's head. They can be inside the ovary, in its wall or grow, which is rare, on the peduncle on its outer surface. Most cysts are caused by a hormonal imbalance.
Ovarian cyst is often detected by accident
An ovarian cyst (cyst) is generally asymptomatic. The woman learns about her existence during a gynecological examination or a vaginal ultrasound, for which she came for completely different reasons. Sometimes, however, there are symptoms suggesting the existence of a cyst: ache, stinging, a feeling of pulling in the lower abdomen, a feeling of fullness, swollen abdomen. A large cyst can put pressure on the surrounding organs, which is why pressure on the bladder and gastric symptoms, such as constipation or flatulence, also appear. When a cyst ruptures, it is accompanied by sudden and sharp pain, sometimes also nausea, vomiting, and fever. Strong pain may also indicate twisting of the cyst on the peduncle.
Ovarian changes are usually mild
Ovarian cysts can occur at any stage in a woman's life, but they are most often formed during the reproductive years. Most of them are related to the work of the ovary. Just before ovulation, i.e. before the release of the egg, the Graaf follicle is 2.5-2.8 cm in diameter. Then it bursts and transforms into the so-called the corpus luteum that disappears when pregnancy is not achieved. It happens, however, that the Graaf vesicle does not rupture and turns into a cyst. Its existence can be assumed when it reaches a size of more than 3 cm. Suchthe type of cyst is called functional. They do not occur before puberty and after menopause. They constitute the vast majority of detected cysts. They do not turn into a malignant tumor.
The formation of a cyst after menopause is always a worrying sign. It must not be underestimated.
- Women over 45 should have a vaginal ultrasound every 1-2 years or as recommended by their doctor, because they have an increased risk of ovarian cancer.
- Sudden enlargement of the abdominal circumference is a reason for a quick visit to the gynecologist, as it may indicate the existence of a cancerous cyst.
2 types of cysts: simple and complex
Cysts with smooth, thin walls, without internal structures, and filled with fluid are simple cysts, which are benign lesions. They can be functional or endometrial (so-called chocolate). The latter, filled with brown, thick blood, appear in women suffering from endometriosis. Compound cysts have thick walls, septa, and other internal structures. Most are harmless, but ovarian cancer may be among them. Therefore, not only vaginal ultrasound is performed, but also the ovarian cancer marker - CA 125 (note: it is also elevated in other diseases, e.g. endometriosis, inflammation in the pelvic area). There are also skin cysts, the so-called teratomas that form in utero and grow throughout life. They are formed from the germ layers, which then differentiate into different tissues. Inside these cysts there may be, inter alia, hair, tallow, teeth. These changes are benign.
When are ovarian cysts removed?
Functional cysts are either observed or treated with hormones. If they do not shrink, they are large, they are surgically removed because they may cause discomfort or rupture. Endometrial and leathery cysts are also excised. This procedure is performed using the laparoscopic method. It also removes all complex cysts due to the danger of developing into ovarian cancer. In their case, a classic operation (opening the abdominal integuments) is preferred, which allows a thorough examination of the ovary and surrounding tissues. In the same way, large ovarian cysts are removed.
Rapid surgical intervention is needed when it comes to:
- ruptures of a large cyst - it may result in internal bleeding
- twisting of the cyst - it can result in tightening of the blood vessels, stopping the blood supply to the ovary and the development of necrosis
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