How to interpret the results of a semen test, i.e. a semogram? First of all, it is necessary to evaluate all parameters together, since a deviation from the norm of one of them does not mean infertility. Did you do a semen test? Check what the correct spermiogram result looks like. What are the norms of normal sperm and what do the medical terms used in the test results mean.
Semen analysis , known asseminogramorspremiogram , is essential in the diagnosis of infertility in A thorough semen analysis allows you to evaluate the quality, speed and quantity of sperm in a male sperm.How to interpret the results of a semen test ?
Semen test - when is the result correct?
A normal result, i.e. normozoospermia, can be said when the parameters of the tested man's ejaculate (semen) are correct, i.e. there is an appropriate number of properly constructed sperm cells in the sperm with standard movement parameters. This means that the chance of fertilization of a partner after one year of unprotected intercourse is 85 percent.
There is no need to worry if the test shows that, for example, a small number of sperm have motility below normal. Often, other parameters, such as a high sperm count, can compensate for this deficiency. Ie. Although there are sperm cells in the semen that are not motile, there are still enough of those with the correct movement and fertilization. Therefore, this type of result is not the basis for a diagnosis of male infertility.
Semen test - abnormal sperm count in the semen
Azoospermia is found when there is no sperm in the semen. Usually when this happens, the test is repeated to make a definitive diagnosis. You should also check that all semen has been donated for the first examination. Sperm are not evenly distributed throughout the ejaculate volume, so you may find that the part containing sperm has been lost during the donation attempt, or a mistake has been made during the test.
Azoospermia could result from:
- vas deferens obstruction
- testicular damage (as a result of injuries, failure to descendtesticles or infection)
- hypopituitarism
In this case, sperm can be obtained after testicular puncture (TESA) or epididymis (PESA).
Cryptozoospermia is a reduced concentration of sperm (less than 1 million / ml), with the general examination of semen under the microscope, no sperm is observed, but single sperm are present in the sediment after centrifugation. Cryptozoospermia can be the result of taking medications and can occur even in he althy men.
Oligozoospermia is a reduced sperm count in semen:<20 mln.
- extreme oligozoospermia - single sperm
- very severe oligozoospermia - 1-5 million / ml
- severe oligozoospermia - 5-10 million / ml
- light oligozoospermia - 10-20 million / ml
In this case, you should also test again. The causes of oligospermia are usually the same as those of azoospermia.
Too much sperm count in semen (250 million / ml), according to many specialists, has a negative effect on fertility. The causes of polysoospermia can be:
- too fast depletion of fructose contained in seminal fluid, which is the basic energy resource for sperm
- reduced amount of DNA in semen
- chromosomal aberrations in the genetic material of sperm.
Semen test - abnormal semen volume
Oaspermiayou can say that one portion of ejaculate contains less than 0.5 ml of semen (not to be confused with azoospermia, in which even with the correct semen volume, you can find lack of sperm). Aspermia can be the result of malformations, trauma, infectious diseases, or surgery. Transient aspermia can result from multiple intercourse in a short time, ending with ejaculation, which results in the depletion of the stocks and production capacity of the organs involved in the sperm production process.
Too small volume of ejaculate, i.e.hypospermia(0.5-2.0 ml), may indicate e.g. prostate diseases (inflammation, cancer) or frequent intercourse, as well as about the obstruction of the seminal ducts and their inflammation. Hypospermia can also be the result of insufficient hydration in the body. The cause of hypospermia is also considered to be the so-called retrograde ejaculation - when semen enters the bladder instead of outside.
In turn, too much ejaculate volume, which in medical terminology is referred to ashyperspermia(>6.0 ml),may be related to inflammation of the seminal vesicles or the prostate gland.
Semen test - asthenospermia, i.e. abnormal sperm motility in semen
Asthenospermia is an abnormal sperm motility in semen. Percentage of sperm with rapid rectilinear motion less than 25% or a combined fast and slow rectilinear motion less than 50%. It may be caused by inflammation of the male reproductive organs, as well as the effects of very high / low temperatures and rubber (e.g. from a condom).
Semen examination - teratozoospermia, i.e. incorrect structure (morphology) of sperm
Teratozoospermia is an abnormal structure of sperm. In assessing the correctness of sperm structure, the presence of defects in their head, inset and tail is taken into account. One defect in any of these regions is enough for the sperm to be classified as abnormal.
Semen test - semen agglutination
Agglutination is a phenomenon whereby motile sperm stick to each other, which prevents them from moving in the desired direction and thus causes the loss of the ability to fertilize.
Semen analysis - OAT syndrome
OAT syndrome is a combination of the disorders described above, e.g. :
- oligoasthenozoospemia - too little sperm, too much of them is not characterized by proper movement
- oligoastheonteratozoospemia - as before, additionally increased percentage of abnormal sperm
Semen Testing - Standards
Semen parameters according to the 2010 World He alth Organization (WHO)
- ejaculate (sperm) volume ≥ 1.5 ml
- Total ejaculate sperm count ≥39 million
- Sperm concentration (sperm count in 1 ml of semen) ≥15 million / ml
- Mobility (progressive - fast, forward / non-progressive) 40%
- D-type sperm motility (stationary)<60 %
- Progressive sperm (A + B) ≥32%
- Viability - (% sperm alive) ≥58%
- pH ≥7.2
- Sperm morphology (structure test) - ≥4% of correct forms
- Leukocytes test with pre-oxidase<1 mln (jeśli nasienie zawiera dużą liczbę białych krwinek, może to wskazywać na istniejące zakażenie lub zapalenie)
- Immunobead test (its purpose is to detect sperm antibodies in an amount that interferes with sperm function)<50 %
- Fructose (energy resource for sperm) ≥13 mmol / ejaculate
It should be noted that these are not reference values (based on statistics). These values do not indicate the threshold below which a man is infertile and cannot have children - his chances may simply be lower.
If you find any abnormalities on the semen test, pleaserepeat them in one to 3 months (this is the time of sperm maturation).
Semen testing and sexual activity
The time of sexual abstinence that should be observed before submitting semen for testing is 2-7 days.
When analyzing the semen test results, the period of sexual abstinence should be taken into account, as it may have a significant impact on the test results. The degree of change depends on the period of abstinence. If a man submits semen for testing too shortly after the last ejaculation, it is likely that the sperm count will be lower than what would be shown after the recommended period of abstinence. A false result can also be obtained after too long a period of sexual abstinence, e.g. after several days. In this case, the patient may have a higher than normal sperm count, but their mobility, viability and morphology may then be worse, because the number of dead sperm will be greater than that of those capable of fertilization.
ImportantA correct semen test result does not mean that a man can become a father in 100%. It is estimated that 40% of male infertility is caused by reduced sperm production or poorer semen quality. Other causes of male infertility may include, for example, damage to the testes or vas deferens as a result of infection (e.g. gonorrhea) or trauma, and even heart, lung and kidney disease.
On the other hand, the results of semen analysis, in which the parameters are significantly below the norm, do not mean that a man is sterile. A patient with significant disorders of sperm parameters, e.g. sperm count below normal, has a chance of becoming a father.
The quality of semen changes over time and under the influence of various external factors (stress, diseases, diet, stimulants, low physical activity, work-related harmful factors, etc.). Therefore, the diagnosis should be based on several results. A single semen test result (even indicating azoospermia) does not qualify the patient as infertile. Also, the result of the test ordered during an earlier visit to a specialist (which took place e.g. a year ago) does not authorize the doctor to issue a final diagnosis.
Semen test results after a disease accompanied by elevated body temperature
If the semen test results show worsened parameters of sperm count, motility or morphology, it should be determined whether the patient had a disease associated with increased body temperature in the period of 2-3 months prior to the test. In many men, a low-grade fever or fever can causetemporary deterioration of semen quality, because the correct spermatogenesis requires a temperature 1-2 degrees lower than the physiological temperature of the human body (approx. 36.6 ° C). In this case, the test should be performed again, but only after approx. 3 months after the increase in body temperature. Only after this period is the chance of getting a better result.