Although there is nothing more natural than having a baby, not every woman is successful in it. There are many factors that make it difficult to get pregnant. Hormonal disorders, anatomical defects, endometriosis - these are the most common causes of female infertility.
The inability to conceivea childis often caused by both male and female factors. But while in men as much as 75 percent. the cause of trouble is incorrectsemen , in women the problem is more complex - the causes are varied and more difficult to diagnose.
Hormonal disorders
One of the most common causes of femaleinfertilityis ovulation disorders (about 30% of cases). They are often the result of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the symptoms of which may include: irregular, long menstrual cycles (over 35 days) often associated with the absence of menstruation, excess male hormones - androgens, a large number of the so-called primary follicles in the ovaries (visible on ultrasound).
Problems may also result from thyroid diseases, hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency or hyperprolactinemia - high levels of prolactin in the blood may cause ovulation disorders and, consequently, amenorrhea and ovulation. Also, hypothyroidism, resulting in too few thyroid hormones, can lead to loss of ovulation, an inability to implant an egg in the uterine wall, and irregular or missed periods.
Anatomical defects
Infertility may result from anatomical abnormalities, especially such as: uterine hypoplasia, uterine septum, uterine retraction, congenital defects in the structure of the fallopian tubes or lack of ovaries.
Endometriosis is a serious factor limiting fertility. The disease is where fragments of the womb lining - instead of being removed with the menstrual period - remain in the abdomen, causing inflammation and many problems as a result. The greatest risk of infertility is endometriosis located in the fallopian tube and in the ovaries. The main symptom of the disease is ailments in the lower abdomen: painful periods, painful intercourse and chronic pain not related to the menstrual cycle.
Postoperative adhesions
A common cause of problems getting pregnant isobstruction of the fallopian tubes caused by adhesions. After surgical operations in the abdominal cavity, adhesions, i.e. permanent, abnormal connections between tissues, often develop. If adhesions develop in the fallopian tubes, they prevent the egg from traveling into the uterus, effectively blocking sperm from fertilizing it.
Inflammatory diseases in the pelvis
Infertility may also be a consequence of untreated infections, primarily chlamydiosis and gonorrhea, but also, for example, long-term, neglected mycosis of the reproductive organs.
Immune system disorders
Sometimes women make antibodies against their partner's sperm which are treated like foreign antigens. Immune disorders may also hinder the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall.
Ovarian failure
Some women experience premature depletion of primary follicles in the ovaries (the cause is caused by immunological factors).
Cervical factor
Insufficient opening of the cervix, too little or no mucus production, mucus too thick - prevent the sperm from reaching its destination.
Sometimes the cause of the lack of pregnancy cannot be determined at all - it is then said aboutidiopathic infertility .
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