There is a lack of reliable, peer-reviewed scientific publications on the effectiveness of naprotechnology. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of works have been written about the effectiveness and safety of the in vitro method - says prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Łukaszuk, head of INVICTA Infertility Treatment Clinics.

  • MARTA NOWIK:Prof. Jerzy Radwan, co-author of the famous success in 1987, i.e. the birth of the first IVF child in Poland, says directly that naprotechnology is hypocrisy, because it is nothing more than "ordinary diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that we, doctors dealing with infertility treatment, use in couples who want to get pregnant ". Do you agree with this position?
  • Prof. dr hab. KRZYSZTOF ŁUKASZUK - obstetrician-gynecologist, andrologist and endocrinologist, head of the INVICTA Infertility Treatment Clinics: This is the truth. A couple who go to an infertility clinic are first subjected to detailed diagnostics. The so-called ovarian reserve and the course of the woman's cycle are assessed, the parameters of the man's sperm are analyzed. On the basis of numerous tests - laboratory and imaging tests, as well as a medical interview - the doctor proposes a course of action. Sometimes a couple is simply advised to continue their natural efforts for a baby, sometimes a cycle regression is proposed with medication or minor surgery. Assisted reproductive methods such as insemination or IVF are considered only as a last resort.

  • So why is naprotechnology presented as an alternative to IVF?
  • Naprotechnology is not an alternative to other methods of assisted reproduction. It is difficult to say why some people present it in this way… Natural processes and methods of assisted reproductive medicine are complementary, not exclusive. Naprotechnology is used in a small group of couples trying to get offspring. Comprehensive diagnostics and basic methods of supporting fertility are offered to patients as a standard element of activity. Not necessarily called naprotechnology. Only when they turn out to be ineffective, other methods are used.

  • In what cases does naprotechnology turn out to be completely helpless?
  • For sureit can be a support for couples who have not been diagnosed with significant disorders, most often in the so-called idiopathic infertility, that is, the causes of which we cannot clearly indicate. Determining the optimal time for conceiving a child can help couples who have intercourse infrequently or illegally. Pharmacotherapy should, on the other hand, be recommended to women experiencing minor hormonal disorders, and surgery - which, however, is abandoned all over the world due to the significant risk of complications - may bring results in some patients with minor changes in the reproductive organs. However, naprotechnology will be ineffective against male infertility, such as decreased sperm parameters, disturbances in sperm production, and vas obstruction. It will also not help in the case of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, advanced endometriosis, genetic abnormalities and in many other situations that could be enumerated for a long time.

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