Some babies are born with hips that are not fully developed. Parents often do not see this disadvantage. Therefore, in the first weeks of life, a control visit to the orthopedist is necessary with the child, who will check the degree and uniformity of hip abduction and examine the joints.

Most babieship jointsdevelop in the womb. The acetabulum tightly wraps the head of the femur, and the joint itself has normal mobility. Unfortunately, in some newbornsthe jointsare "immature". This condition iship dysplasia . The acetabulum is shallow and steep, which allows the femoral head to dislocate and even pop out of the joint. If this happens, the leg moves only to a limited extent in the joint, it becomes impossible to tilt it fully outwards. Dysplasia is evidenced by reduced leg abduction or asymmetrical arrangement of inguinal folds. Since mild dysplasia may not show any visible symptoms, the child must be examined by a specialist.

Examination of the hip joints

A child should be seen by a pediatric orthopedist before he is 3 months old. During the examination, the orthopedist checks the degree and uniformity of the hip abduction, assesses the length of the legs, and examines the joints by touch. Nowadays, even when nothing arouses suspicions, prophylactic ultrasound is ordered. hip joints in children. This test is completely safe and can be performed in newborns. More and more often it replaces the x-ray examination that was recommended in the past.

If the doctor determines that the underdevelopment of the joints is insignificant, he only recommends proper care for the baby, which gives a chance for spontaneous disappearance of the defect. But doing the wrong thing can worsen the baby's condition. It is especially dangerous to restrain the infant's legs with little sleepers, tightly wrapped it in a blanket, etc. The toddler should move his legs freely, which is possible thanks to a sack-like garment, replacing sleepers. For a few hours a day, the baby should also be placed on the tummy in the "frog" position.

If dysplasia is diagnosed, you cannot delay, but start treatment immediately. The defect must be corrected before the infant tries to walk, as in a child who gets to his feet, the joints are exposed to much greater stress. The risk of hip dislocation and its degenerative changes and leg shortening increases. Lackdiagnosis and treatment in the first months of life often end with surgery, the effects of which are not certain.


The causes of hip dysplasia are not fully understood. It is only known that its formation may be influenced by a similar disadvantage in the parents. Perhaps the cause of dysplasia are hormonal disorders in the mother during pregnancy, which make the child's joint ligaments loose. The cause of the defect may also be the gluteal position of the fetus in the uterus and the course of the delivery itself (especially manipulations that require straightening of the baby's legs).

Hip examination in children

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