You were discharged home with your baby after giving birth. You will have regular visits to the pediatrician to check if your little one is developing properly. What tests await your baby in the first six months of life?

Baby examinations: 2nd week of life

In the second week of the baby's life, it is recommended to be monitored bypediatrician(in a hospital or clinic). The doctor will weigh and measurebaby , assess how much your baby is gaining weight and whether the navel is healing properly. He will also check the circumference of the skull, the condition of the fontanelle and if it is necessary to give your little one vitamin D3 .

Child examinations: 2.-3. month of life

A visit to the pediatrician
In the sixth week of your baby's life, you should visit the local clinic D. The baby will be weighed, measured, the doctor will assess his body proportions, and listen to his heart and lungs. He will also examine the head and fontanel to see if the skull bones are fused too quickly or too slowly. He will assess whether the baby lying on his tummy can lift his head or whether the neonatal reflexes disappear. It will also check the abduction of the joints. If he finds any abnormalities, he will referinfantfor an ultrasound of the joints, which will show if the baby has, for example, dysplasia (i.e. abnormal shape of the acetabulum). If it turns out that your baby has hip problems, you will have to arrange the diaper between his legs so that they are wide apart. In some cases, it is also necessary to use a brace to keep the legs in the correct position.
Vaccinations at week 6

  • Mandatory: against hepatitis B (2nd dose), diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (1st dose), against Haemophilus influenzae type B for children from large families (with at least three children) - 1st dose.
  • Recommended: Against Haemophilus influenzae type B for all children (1st dose)

Eye control
During the first two months of life, your baby may squint as the muscles responsible for eye movements are still weak. However, if the strabismus persists in the third month, you need to see an ophthalmologist with your baby to assess whether it is a visual impairment or just temporary problems.

Child examinations: 3.-4. month of life

After 6 weeks from the previous vaccination, you should go back to the pediatrician with your baby for an assessmentprogress in the development of the baby. Vaccinations recommended during this period:

  • Mandatory: 2nd dose of diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus vaccine, 2nd dose of Haemophilus influenzae type B for children from large families, 1st dose against polio.
  • Recommended: 2nd dose of Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine for all children.

Baby's examination: 6 months old

The last examination at the orthopedist
The doctor then assesses whether the hip joints develop properly and the feet are not deformed.
Another visit to the pediatrician
It should take place after 6 weeks after the previous vaccination. The doctor will examine the fontanell and the eyes and check if any teeth are erupting.

  • Mandatory: 3rd dose against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, 3rd dose against Haemophilus influenzae type B for children from large families, 2nd dose against polio.
  • Recommended: 3rd dose of Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine for all children.
monthly "M jak mama"
