Without sufficient amount of physical activity in the fresh air, children risk diabetes and heart disease! Obesity is of course the cause - one of the most dangerous modern civilization diseases.
Some people think that it is not a creative way of spending time for our kids (not always good company, risk of breaking the window at the neighbor's …). However, this is definitely better than sitting in front of the TV or computer.
Child obesity is caused by little outdoor activity
As prof. Lamine Mahdjoubi from the University of the West of England, without a sufficient dose of physical activity in the open airfor childrenthreateningdiabetesand heart disease! Of course, because ofobesity .
It is certainly even he althier to be in a larger, green space, e.g. in a park, but if there is no such area around, it is better to let your toddler out in the yard than even to the best gym in a closed room.