Mania is the opposite of depression and apathy. This is a mental disorder from the group of the so-called affective disorders characterized by the presence of an elevated or irritable mood. An elevated mood can be very pleasant and border on euphoria, making the patient feel happy.


  1. Mania: symptoms
  2. Mania: reasons
  3. Mania: treatment

The person withmaniadoes not feel sick, on the contrary, he considers himself he althy and even very he althy. Often, even when urged by her relatives to see a doctor, she flatly refuses and gets angry. However, those who develop irritability do not feel happy, become angry quickly, are prone to outbursts of rage, even aggression, and may experience persecutory delusions and other psychological changes.

The feeling of euphoria occurs in approx. 71% of patients, irritability in 80%, depressed mood in 72%, and in 69%. - mood lability.

Mania: symptoms

The most characteristic symptoms of mania are:

  • racing thoughts (71% of patients)
  • getting rid of sexual inhibitions (57%)
  • psychomotor agitation - hyperbulia (87%)
  • compulsion to speak (98%)
  • difficulty concentrating
  • self-esteem
  • reduce criticism
  • taking reckless actions
  • reduced need for sleep
  • energy boost

At this time, the sick person may behave in a chaotic, uncontrolled, inconsistent manner, e.g. he may waste money, cause conflicts with the environment, even violate the law. Someone who has never drunk alcohol may start looking into a glass and get drunk at once, and may start making contacts with suspicious individuals. Delusions of the so-called great or messenger - the sick person begins to think that he is God's chosen one, a man capable of sublime deeds.

  • To die from an overdose - a lethal mixture of drugs, drugs and alcohol. Not only xanax
  • Cyclophrenia or bipolar disorder
  • Trichotillomania (TTM) - forced hair pulling
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Compulsive Neurosis therapy

Mania: reasons

It is believed that the appearance of mania may be associated with an increase in the activity ofserotoninand noradrenaline (situations opposite to depression). Certain somatic diseases, such as: viral and bacterial infections, especially if left untreated, cancer, brain injuries, hyperthyroidism, renal failure, temporal epilepsy, Huntington's chorea, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Cushing's syndrome.

The culprit is also some drugs and psychoactive substances, such as: corticosteroids, cocaine, captopril, psychedelics, amphetamines, cholinolytic drugs, antimalarial drugs, some antiviral drugs.

Mania may also appear during treatment with antidepressants in the depressive phase of bipolar disorder (phase change).

Mania: treatment

Mania is curable. Mood stabilizing drugs, antiepileptic drugs and antipsychotics are used in the treatment. Proper diagnosis is important as it may happen that the elevated mood is not associated with an affective disorder, but with other mental disorders. In addition, persistent or intermittent elevation of mood, self-esteem, or other mania-related symptoms can occur in many organic conditions, such as dementia, intoxication, alcoholism or drug abuse, and in brain tumors.

Therefore, such conditions often require consultation with many specialists - internist, neurologist, psychiatrist.
