A sleeping newborn does not only rest. While he sleeps, the cells in his body and brain multiply, and growth hormone is produced, and white blood cells are needed to fight infection. During the sleep of a newborn baby, the brain is also extremely active, where new connections between neurons are made very quickly.
And while everychildhas a different daily "limit" of hours that they need to sleep in order to feel well and thrive, they are all just as annoyed if they sleep too little. So let's make sure that they have the most comfortable conditions forsleep . The problem is, it's not always that simple in summer.
Burns contribute to sleep problems in a newborn
In the summer, chafing is more common than ever. The high air temperature is to blame, keeping the nappy wet underneath the nappy. The skin around your butt will then turn red and hurt. To prevent this from happening, change your baby's nappy every two hours during the day (and when the baby poop - right away), and apply anti-chafing cream each time.
If they do appear anyway, wash your bottom with warm water when changing the nappy, and let your baby lie down without a nappy for as long as possible (fresh air accelerates healing). Before you put it on, lubricate your baby's skin with a soothing cream.
Too high temperature causes sleep problems for the newborn
The most common cause of summer trouble sleeping at night is too high temperature in the room. During the day, the walls of houses heat up, and at night they evaporate, giving back the heat. This is why, although it is cooler outside, the room is still as hot as during the day.
Meanwhile, for the baby to sleep well, the room should not be more than 20ºC. If the temperature in the apartment is higher, the toddler sleeps poorly because he is too warm. What can you do then?
- Cover the windows during the day to prevent the room from heating up too much (it will be very difficult for you to cool it down in the evening).
- Before you put your child to bed, ventilate the room thoroughly, at least for a quarter of an hour (it is advisable to take the child to another room during airing). If the air, in spite of the open window, stands still and there is no draft, you can make a slight draft -however, make sure that the child is out of the air stream.
- Leave the window slightly open at night. It will keep the room cooler. Remember, however, that the child should not be blown in direct air, as it may catch a cold.
- Dress your toddler according to the temperature outside and inside. On hot nights, rompers and bodysuits are enough for him. Instead of covering your baby with a blanket or quilt, cover him with a cloth diaper. Don't worry about your little one's feet or hands being cold - this is because his body temperature regulation system is not yet working as it should. To see if he is too cold, touch his neck. If he is hot or sweaty, the toddler is dressed too warm; if it is cold - it is a signal that the child needs to be additionally covered. If the nape of the neck is warm and dry, then it's fine.
- Think about buying a portable air conditioner. Its advantage is that it can stand anywhere in the apartment and maintains a constant temperature selected by the user. Some models, however, work quite loud, so you should find out which will be the quietest before buying.
Mosquitoes and black flies keep the newborn from falling asleep
Another cause of trouble with sleeping is mosquitoes and fluff. Not only do they bother you to fall asleep, but their bites are extremely annoying for the baby. How to prevent this?
- Install mosquito nets in the windows. Special insect screens can be purchased at any home appliance store.
- Rub the baby's skin with a repellent (insect repellent) - thanks to this, the mosquito or the fluff will not be able to feel the places on the baby's skin that could be pierced, so they will not attack. Remember, however, that not every preparation of this type is suitable for a child, so you need to ask for a cream or gel for babies at the pharmacy.
- An electrically powered ultrasonic repeller is also useful for protection against insects. It is a tiny device that must be put in contact. When activated, it emits ultrasounds inaudible by humans, but unbearable for insects.
- Just in case, get yourself a gel that soothes itching and burning after insect bites. Perhaps some stray mosquito or a fluff will bite the baby, and the itching will not let him sleep well.
Newborn sleep problems on vacation
Also on vacation, a baby may have trouble sleeping. Here - apart from the two reasons mentioned above - there may be stress caused by traveling and staying in a new place, unknown to a baby, as well as acclimatization. What to do tohelp your toddler sleep in a new place?
- Think about what your baby will sleep in. A toddler who has not yet sat down can sleep in the well-known pram carrycot. For older children, a special travel cot is more practical. It is worth getting your baby used to a new piece of furniture before leaving - let him sleep in it for a few nights at home.
- Take the bedding in which the child sleeps at home for the trip. Also remember about your favorite cuddly toy.
- Make the place where your baby sleeps as close to home as possible. It is worth placing the cot in a place similar to the one in the house (e.g. against the wall, not in the center of the room) and make sure that other elements of the room's equipment (e.g. a lamp or a bedside table) are also arranged in a similar way.
- It is difficult to keep a constant daily rhythm during the holidays, but it is worth trying to keep the times of evening feeding, bathing and going to bed as constant as possible. The well-known rituals will make the baby feel safe and help him adapt better to the new place.
A blocked nose can cause sleep problems for the newborn
Even a slight runny nose is an additional cause of sleep problems for an infant who cannot yet breathe through the mouth. The baby tries to breathe, but can't - so it's no wonder that instead of falling asleep, he starts to cry. In summer, little ones catch a cold, and the difference in temperatures outside and indoors (especially air-conditioned) is to blame. A blocked nose can also have a completely he althy baby - his nose is blocked by dust, dust and dirt particles settling on the mucous membranes - that's why you have the impression that the baby is panting when breathing. How to help him?
- Before you put your baby to bed, put a few drops of saline or sea water spray (available at a pharmacy) into each nostril to dissolve any mucus.
- The next step is to clean the nose. You can remove the dissolved secretion with a special aspirator. One end of the apparatus must be inserted into the buttonhole, the other - in your mouth. A strong draft of air sucks the secretions out of the nose. Recently, battery-operated aspirators with a tiny motor that generates the appropriate negative pressure have been available for sale.
- You can put two books under the foot of the bed from the side of the child's head. Thanks to this, the head will be higher, and the child will be able to breathe more freely.
- If the room is dry, you should turn on the air humidifier (this device also works in summer). You can replace the humidifier by placing a vessel with water thatby steaming, it will moisturize the room.