Theoretically, a newborn should sleep 16-20 hours a day. In practice, it can be different. Sometimes a newborn's poor sleep is for a specific cause. Therefore, keep a close eye on your little one. Once your schedule is established, you will be able to spot the abnormal situations. Here's what can keep your newborn from sleeping.
A newborn baby does not want to sleep when he is too warm, when he is hungry or when he has a runny nose. There can be many reasons for an infant's lack of sleep: some are trivial and easy to remove, others are more serious and require a visit to the pediatrician. See what can interfere with your baby's he althy sleep.
Newborn baby does not sleep when hungry
Babies' stomach has a small capacity. The digestive system is adapted to frequent but small meals. Therefore, the most common reason why a newborn wakes up at night or cannot fall asleep is hunger.
Breastfed babies wake up every two hours at night, because mum's milk is digested faster than the formula. Bottle babies allow their parents to sleep a little longer, even 3-4 hours. Feed your baby without turning on the lights or making too much noise - the chances are that he will fall asleep right away.
Newborn baby does not sleep when he is hot
Toddlers often have cold feet and hands because their thermoregulation system is not working properly yet. Meanwhile, the parents, convinced that the child is constantly freezing, dress it warmly for the night and cover it with a quilt. This is a bug.
The toddler will wake up sweaty even if he falls asleep. In order for the child to sleep well, the room should be no more than 20ºC. Before you cover him with an extra blanket, touch his neck. If he is hot or sweaty, the toddler is dressed too warm.
Newborn baby does not sleep with stuffy nose
The nasal passages of a young child are narrow and the newborn only breathes through the nose. In a he althy child, particles of dust, dirt and impurities deposit on the mucosa of the nasal passages, which is why you have the impression that the child is panting when breathing. But the toddler may also have a runny nose, the mucous membranes are swollen and there is discharge in the nose. Similar symptoms are caused by allergic rhinitis.
In order for your baby to sleep well, you should clean his nose before putting him to bed. This is best done witha special aspirator (you can buy it at any pharmacy and children's goods stores). The nose can also be cleared with sea water spray, which dissolves dried secretion (remember that during this procedure the child's head is slightly higher than the rest of the body!).
You must do itCall the doctor or take your toddler to the night shift, if:
- the baby cries desperately, tightens his muscles or "spills" through his hands
- has a high temperature and convulsions
- vomiting heavily
- is very pale
- you are worried about something else about his appearance or behavior.
Newborn baby does not sleep when he has too many sensations
If the day was full of events in which the child was the main character (long walk, family visit, etc.), it may be difficult for your toddler to calm down. A warm bath for a few minutes and a gentle massage with olive oil, which relaxes the muscles, should help. In the room where you put the baby tosleep , only a small lamp should be on.
A newborn baby does not sleep when he has a rash or burns
Perhaps the cause of the night's troubles is skin problems. If you notice red spots on the skin around your bottom, it is a sign that you have burns. Try to nurture your baby's skin with gentle preparations that restore the natural pH.
Use moisturizing wipes and nappies that absorb moisture well. Use anti-chafing creams. Such cosmetics not only have anti-inflammatory properties, but also soothe irritations. Therefore, they can also be used when itchy hives appeared on the toddler's skin (because, for example, he was allergic to some component of the diet or a cosmetic). In this case, it is worth giving the child calcium (it has antiallergic properties, the dosage is given in the leaflet), and in the morning contact the pediatrician.
Newborn baby does not sleep when suffering from AD
Atopic dermatitis (AD) and the associated itching of the skin, which increases in the evening and at night, can cause children to have problems falling asleep or wake up from sleep. This, in turn, makes the child tired and cranky during the day.
Proper skin care is the basis in the treatment of AD, therefore in the evening (during and after bathing) it is recommended to use special emollients for delicate skin with AD symptoms, intended for children from birth.
A newborn baby does not sleep when something is hurting him
Maybe the diaper is fastened too tightly, or maybe a stiff label is stuck in the baby's body? Each of these causes acts like a pea to wake a princess from a fairy tale dream. Examine the baby's clothes carefully and change them if necessary.
Newborn baby does not sleep when his nappy is full
Sleeping with wet luggage between your legs is not pleasant, especially when there is poop inside. Most babies then let them cry when they need to change. When changing the diaper, do not turn on the overhead light (a small lamp is enough) - thanks to this, the baby will fall asleep faster.
Newborn baby does not sleep when he is uncomfortable
Perhaps the reason for waking up at night lies on the side of the mattress, e.g. it is not arranged properly. In this case, take the mattress out of the bed, shake it off and re-arrange the bedding. The cause of the discomfort may also be a pillow that hurts a toddler. Take it out for the baby is not needed, and sometimes it can even cause trouble.
Newborn baby does not sleep when something smells bad
Toddlers have a sensitive sense of smell and may react by crying to smells they are not used to. They are especially bothered by cigarette smoke, so do not smoke in front of your baby and do not allow anyone else to do so. The smell of perfume or cleaning products can also be annoying. If it's the smell that keeps him awake, you need to ventilate the room. Take your child to a different room while airing, to avoid catching a cold.
Newborn baby does not sleep when constipated
In babies, they happen often. If your little one is trying to poop and cannot poop, help him do so by smearing petroleum jelly and gently slipping a glycerin suppository through the anus (available at pharmacies). You can also give your baby a boost with herbal teas, e.g. a tea that helps digestion.
Newborn baby does not sleep when it is too noisy at home
At night, even when the TV is turned on, it can disturb a child's restful sleep, especially if you watch a comedy and burst out laughing every now and then. It will be difficult to comfort a baby scared by noise, so it is better to turn down the TV in advance. If your toddler wakes up because of this, carry him around until he calms down.
… or too quiet
Some children find it difficult to sleep in the perfect silence at home, because familiar sounds make them feel safe. If your little one likes to fall asleep with the radio playing softly, don't turn him off until he falls asleep.
Newborn baby does not sleep when something hurts
If a toddler wakes up crying, curls his legs and has a hard belly, he must be suffering from colic. Then take him in your arms, carry him, massage his tummy and give him anti-colic tea or apply a warm compress to his tummy. However, if your baby is crying desperately and refuses to calm down, call the doctor as this may be a signal that something is wrong.
Newborn baby needs tenderness
Maybe you had few opportunities to play with your baby during the day? The need for closeness is so great that the little one will let you know about it by crying at night.Hug him, rock him, and don't let anyone tell you that this will make your child a little despot.
Newborn baby is awake when infection starts
Toddlers cry over a disease that is just beginning and not yet showing symptoms. If your child has behaved differently during the day, and it is difficult to cuddle in the evening, he will almost certainly fall ill at night. Therefore, be prepared for such a situation. The first symptom is usually increased temperature. When the baby wakes up hot, and the fever exceeds 38.5 ° C, give him a product containing, for example, paracetamol (give preparations intended for children). Do not cover a feverish child with a duvet. To lower the fever, you can wrap his feet with a towel dipped in cool water. Put your baby to the breast or give him something to drink. If the fever is high (40 ° C) and does not go down, call a doctor.
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