Phlegm in the throat is a widespread problem faced by virtually everyone. Patients with infections most often complain of the presence of phlegm in the throat. Allergies or gastroesophageal reflux can also lead to the accumulation of this secretion. Read on to find out what else causes phlegm in the throat and what methods are helpful in fighting phlegm in the throat!
Phlegm in the throat- what is worth knowing about it? The fact thatsecretions produced in the human body play an extremely important role , few people know about it. For example, the secretion accumulating in the respiratory system is designed to moisturize its components. However, thanks to the content of antibodies, it neutralizes various microorganisms.
When there is an excessive production of secretions, then we become aware of their presence. One of the problems that patients may complain about is phlegm in the throat.
Phlegm in the throat: causes
Phlegm in the throat is most often associated withinfectionin the patient. Mucus can run down the back of the throat in the course of both a cold and sinusitis. In addition, the unpleasant feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the throat may be the result of the patient developing pharyngitis.
Some possible causes of phlegm in your throat may surprise you.The problem may be related to allergies, especially from inhalation.Patients allergic to pollen from trees or grasses may struggle with excessive discharge of secretions down the back of the throat.
It also happens thatis responsible for the build-up of phlegm in the throat is gastroesophageal reflux disease , which causes acid to be dumped from the stomach into the esophagus. Conditions that make the nose open, such as polyps in the nasal cavity or a curvature of the septum of the nose, can also increase the risk of phlegm in the throat.
It happens that the patients themselves contribute to the occurrence of phlegm in the throat. We are talking aboutpeople who smoke cigarettes , in whom the excessive production of secretions may be the result of regular irritation of the respiratory system structures by tobacco smoke. In a similar mechanism, there is also a feeling of the presence of phlegm in the throatthose who frequentlybreathe polluted air . This may be caused, for example, by working in the presence of various dusts.
Sometimes patients experience phlegm in their throat, which does not necessarily mean that they are. In some people there is thenglobus hystericus, the so-called problem with psychosomatic disorders . Its essence is feeling - in situations of increased stress - the presence of a foreign body in the throat.
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Phlegm in the throat: what are the symptoms?
The presence of phlegm in the throatusually leads to discomfort . Additionally, people struggling with this ailment may have:
- hoarseness
- voice change (sometimes even a complete loss of voice is encountered)
- feeling of tickling in the throat
- difficulty swallowing
- cough
- vomiting (especially possible in people who have an intense gag reflex)
We cannot ignore the important issue which is the color of the expectorant phlegm from the throat . Sometimes the color of the discharge can tell you what is causing the problem. Yellowish and greenish phlegm in the throat is usually associated with infection. The cause of its appearance may be cystic fibrosis.Black phlegm in the throat is seen in smokers and miners . Blood-stained discharge may indicate an infection (e.g. pharyngitis) or may be due to a tumor in the lung.
Phlegm in the throat: home remedies to get rid of phlegm
Phlegm in the throat is a rather bothersome problem, which is why many patients are looking for ways to get rid of it. Some of them are very simple. First of all,you should drink enough fluids . Increased intake of drinks may liquefy pharyngeal secretions, which may make it easier to cough up.It is also important to take care of clean air at home, especially in winter .
People struggling with the problem of phlegm in their throat can be helpedby inhaling steam, inhaling various essential oils or drinking herbs(e.g. sage). On the other hand, those who have allergies may find relief if they avoid specific allergens. In a situation where smoking may be causing the problem, it is definitely worth considering quitting smoking. Thanks to this, you can avoid not only the feeling of phlegm in the throat, but also reduce the risk of various serious diseases, including:
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- cancerlungs
Phlegm in the throat: what medications to take?
Some patients prefer to resort to medications that will help them deal with the problem instead of at home.Such pharmaceuticals that thin the secretion include :
- mucolytic preparations (including ambroxol or acetylcysteine
- pills for sore throat.
In some cases, however, prescription drugs must be assigned.
Read also:How to cure a cold? What helps?
Phlegm in the throat: when is a medical consultation necessary?
Phlegm in the throatis the result of a temporary infection, e.g. a cold . We do not report to a doctor with every type of ailment. If phlegm becomes chronic in the throat, then you should see a specialist. This condition can cause gastroesophageal reflux disease, which should then be treated with drugs like proton pump inhibitors.
It is also worth going to the doctor if the patient has, apart from phlegm in the throat,other symptoms suggesting the occurrence of a bacterial infection , such as:
- high fever
- significant swelling of the tonsils and the appearance of a profuse raid within them.
Consulting a physician is advisable as bacterial infection requires antibiotic treatment.
- Interna Szczeklika 2022/2020, pub. Practical Medicine