Phlegmatic is considered by many to be an uninteresting, even boring person - such opinions come from the fact that people with this temperament prefer routine and stability. Living with a phlegmatic - because of his difficulty making decisions or the fact that he rarely shows emotions - is not always all roses. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of a phlegmatic, read what difficulties can arise in a relationship with a phlegmatic, and find out what work a phlegmatic will do best. Finally, take the test to find out if your temperament corresponds to the phlegmatic.
- Phlegmatic: advantages and disadvantages
- Phlegmatic in a relationship
- Phlegmatic at work
- Test: are you phlegmatic?
Phlegmaticis one of the four - along with choleric, sanguine and melancholic - temperaments distinguished by Hippocrates. The outstanding scientist developed the theory of temperaments a long time ago, already in the 5th century BCE, and yet it is still used today to determine the temperament of different people.
Hippocrates in his considerations took into account the fact that different liquids circulate in people and the human temperament depends on which of them is the most. In the case of phlegmatics, the dominant liquid would be phlegm - it is also the term phlegmatic (or more precisely from the word "phlegma").
Phlegmatic: advantages and disadvantages
Phlegmatic is sometimes difficult to define for people around him who are not closest to him - all because he has a calm, quiet personality - this distinguishes him, for example, from a sanguine, who is almost everywhere or from a choleric emotional outbursts are clearly noticeable to the environment.
First of all, one word fits a phlegmatic: stability. People with this temperament will probably not see a bungee jumping or a spontaneous trip planned a few minutes earlier. A phlegmatic likes peace and routine - when he can perform his daily rituals according to the order he sets, he is definitely most comfortable then.
Another important area to discuss with a phlegmatic is emotions. People with this temperament are said to be very emotionally balanced - sometimes even phlegmatic people are taken fordownright emotionally cold. This is because a phlegmatic rarely reveals what he feels - he hides his emotions and rarely lets them come out into the light.
On the one hand, it is beneficial because it allows the phlegmatic to maintain composure even in difficult situations. On the other hand, hiding emotions can lead to various problems in dealing with other people. How we react to other people depends to a large extent on the emotions we encounter in other people. In the case when the phlegmatic does not reveal these emotions, difficulties of various kinds in understanding them by his own environment may appear.
A phlegmatic usually does everything very slowly and calmly. In some situations - for example in crisis - keeping calm may be beneficial, but in others, the listed qualities of phlegmatic may already be considered his disadvantages. A phlegmatic has great difficulties with making various decisions, and he often puts aside some of his obligations for an undefined future.
Another characteristic feature of a phlegmatic is that he can listen very well. It is worth confiding in a phlegmatic, because in his case you can count on both that he will listen to us patiently and that he will show empathy towards us. On the other hand, it should be emphasized here that the phlegmatic actually listens very carefully and draws conclusions - but when he is to present an opinion on what he heard, he is guided by his own opinion, and not necessarily by the expectations of his interlocutor.
Phlegmatic in a relationship
A phlegmatic person can be a really good life partner - he is patient, avoids quarrels, shows empathy. Always ready to listen to your loved ones and advise them. On the other hand, a phlegmatic in a relationship can and… be very irritating. He is rather passive, so it is difficult to expect from him that he will propose a weekend trip or a spontaneous exit to the club.
Has difficulties with making decisions - when considering a move, a phlegmatic may even indefinitely postpone the moment of making a decision about its date. A relationship with a phlegmatic will be most beneficial for a person who does not require constant entertainment and impressions from life. A choleric who is still looking for emotions can become bored with a phlegmatic life after even a very short time. However, other people - e.g. the melancholic who value peace - can find themselves in an emotional relationship with a phlegmatic.
Phlegmatic at work
There are at least a few professions in which the phlegmatic will find his wayperfectly. As for many people, work that is extremely repetitive and associated with carrying out the same duties over and over again will be perceived as simply boring, for a phlegmatic it may even be preferred.
A phlegmatic will be a good accountant, office worker or cashier - he will carry out the tasks that will be set before him scrupulously and with due diligence. Work for a phlegmatic should be possible to do without rush and pressure. Yes - a phlegmatic will be able to cope with pressure from his superiors - however, he usually performs his duties slowly, and therefore a profession that requires very quick action and high efficiency will not be suitable for a phlegmatic.
People with this temperament like the peace and quiet of their home, therefore doing a job that would require them to travel frequently will not bring them satisfaction. A phlegmatic likes peace and rarely engages in tasks that would place him in the center of attention of other people.
Even when he performs his obligations very well, he prefers to remain in the shadows - he does not need words of appreciation or sparkling among his surroundings. For these reasons, a phlegmatic person is unlikely to find a place in classes such as a journalist, actor or TV presenter.
Test: are you phlegmatic?
Answer the following questions and check if your temperament corresponds to the phlegmatic!
1. A security guard comes up to you in the store and suggests that you have stolen a product when you definitely haven't. How do you feel then?
a) I am calm because I know that I am not to blame - I explain the situation
b) I immediately get furious, because who saw it to accuse me of such actions
c) I feel like I'm about to cry - I didn't do anything!
2. A typical day of mine:
a) it is usually the same: work in the morning, then go shopping, rest at home in the evening - I don't like unforeseen events
b) it is very different - I never know what will happen, but I like surprises
c) it is usually easy, but somewhere in the back of my head I always think something might go wrong
3. Being in a relationship with another person:
a) I appreciate peace and harmony - I like routine and knowing that I can always rely on my partner
b) I usually experience turbulent moments, I can't always keep my nerves in check, which is why we often argue
c) good times make me very happy, bad moments make me happyturn almost depressed
4. At work:
a) I like the routine - filling in the same tables every day does not scare me at all
b) I like dynamics and changes, I appreciate the opportunity to constantly take on new professional challenges
c) I am conscientious, well-organized and I always complete my duties on time
5. In relationships with other people:
a) I usually stay cool and distant - I like contacts with others, but in a reasonable dose and without too much effusiveness
b) I hate when someone disagrees with my opinion - usually other people respect me, for my friends I am a kind of role model
c) I have constant concerns that I will be criticized
Most A-answers:
Your temperament matches the phlegmatic. You can stay calm in the most difficult situations, but you can also listen. You like routine and harmony, any changes are usually unwelcome by you.
Most B replies:
Your temperament is most likely a choleric. You're irritable, you break out at times. You like to dominate, you value respect and it is difficult for you to come to terms with the fact that someone may have a different opinion than you.
Most C replies:
Chances are you're melancholic. You often go from extremes to extremes: positive situations lift you to new heights, negative situations, in turn, make you sink into a deep emotional depression. You are calm, in contacts with other people you constantly find some criticism from them.