Cancer diagnosis. And what's next? Suddenly, it turns out that pain suppressed by drugs is not our invention, and malaise is not autumn blues. You need to take care of your he alth and the most important thing is prevention.
Anna Kupiecka, president of the OnkoCafe Foundation - Better Together, knows almost everything about cancer. She herself underwent the disease - in 2010 she fell ill with cancer, and in 2012 she created a mutual support group called Fakraczki. First on Facebook, and then in real life - women exchanged their experiences, problems, and looked for support. And that's how the foundation was created.
Currently, the OnkoCafe - Razem Better Foundation brings together a crowd of people, often volunteers, who respond to the needs of patients. However, patients often forget about themselves.
- I would not boldly say that you can protect yourself against cancer. You can postpone, prevent or postpone the occurrence of metastases, but we will not change the impact of the environment on us - says the president of the Foundation.
See what he is doing now to prevent the disease from returning. The video material was created as part of the Knowledge Week: Oncology series. Interview by Małgorzata Wiśniewska, STUDIOMED TV publisher:
Prevention is important
- The most important - Anna Kupiecka confirms in an interview with us - Be sensitive to signals from your body, do not suppress them. If something hurts us, especially for a long time, we should not suppress the pain with painkillers. You just have to go and get tested.
But to just get explored isn't at all easy. Women who run away from gynecological surgeries for fear of diagnosis, transferred tumors, reluctance to treat, fear of complaining, no self-care - these are the true stories of many oncological patients who are helped by the Foundation.
- Poles must be taught to talk about he alth, not to be afraid. Tests and regular inspections must be a part of our lives - says Anna Kupiecka. And she adds: - We are 43 years old and suddenly we hear the diagnosis of cancer. Then it turns out that we haven't been on the research for several years. And yet an ordinary morphology performed once a year can tell us something about our he alth.
He alth culture
There is no such thing in Poland. - We agree that it should hurt us. We have culturalsense of low value, we do not care about the quality of life - says Anna Kupiecka.
And regular testing is the key to better results in cancer diagnosis and treatment. Poles are afraid of the diagnosis, they postpone it, because they also do not know how to "bite" the topic. Queues to doctors, hospitals and surgeries scare us. Medicine is moving forward, so research is more sensitive, drugs are better, and doctors have modern technologies and more and more knowledge about cancer treatment.
Is there anything to be afraid of? Of course! But cancer has to be fought. From the moment it only appears in our body. A cancer that is detected faster means a better prognosis. That's why you need to research!
We recommend: Fighting cancer. The consequence of the diagnosis is luck
- We must be sensitive to signals from our body. If we do not underestimate them, as well as the feeling that something is wrong, we will be he althier, sums up Anna Kupiecka.