"Back to work blues", or post-vacation tension syndrome, is a phenomenon caused by the stress associated with the need to return to work. End of vacation. For many people this is a challenge and often not the most pleasant. Research shows that as many as 40% of employees are more stressed after vacation than before. Does this mean that resting causes us more harm than good?
It is said that everything starts in the head. This also applies to rest and relaxation. It turns out that hardly anyone can make the most of their vacation. Research conducted by the Institute of Leadership and Management shows that every third employee checks corporate e-mails during holidays, and as many as 80% of them respond to them. Nearly half of the respondents receive business calls, and every tenth comes to the office. No wonder that already 40% of people feel more tired after a period of rest from work.
- Being in this mode is much more stressful than working full time. Constant contact with the company during the holidays can trigger remorse in us and create an image of a huge crowd of tasks waiting for us right after our return. No wonder that more and more employees feel the stress associated with the rest period. The analyzes show that we cannot organize the holidays well. A study of over 400 tourists from all over the world showed a strong correlation between stress related to travel and the feeling of happiness. Both the vacation period and return to work require us to have the right attitude. It turns out that we achieve a higher level of satisfaction on vacation in 94% through effective planning. If possible, close all our projects at work, and after returning, start with developing an effective action schedule - comments Marta Rolnik-Warmbier, psychologist and personal development trainer from the Columna Medica clinic.
Post-pregnancy stress symptoms
- headaches,
- difficulty concentrating,
- nausea,
- apathy,
- digestive system ailments,
- excessive sweating,
- faster breathing and faster heart beat.
It is worth noting that the symptoms of post-holiday stress do not always have to be a negative phenomenon. Sweating palms orA beating heart is a mobilizing symptom - they prepare the body to face the challenges it faces.
See a video on how to deal with post-vacation stress
Source: Newseria
How to Avoid Post-Labor Tension Syndrome?
It is not a good idea to shorten the period of rest from work. Recent studies show that more and more American workers are consciously limiting their time spent on vacation. These are changes that have been taking place in the last four decades. They are caused by concerns that the leave may slow down the career development.
Many respondents claim that too much rest may be badly perceived by the supervisor. Nothing could be more wrong. The conclusions of the "Time Off" project show that people who take full advantage of the vacation period have a 6.5% greater chance of a raise or promotion. Why? Well rested, we simply work better. Rest is good for efficiency and creativity, as well as for motivation to act.
Market observations show that positive thinking and relaxation in as much as 37% can increase sales in the company. However, in order to achieve good results at work, our brain needs periodic breaks and rest, which will allow it to gain a fresh look and energy. The answer is a sufficiently long vacation and a wise return to work.
- Planning a vacation should start with the right attitude and thinking about the vacation. The same goes for returning to work. You should be aware that the company was doing great without us for a week or two of our absence. We should not deal with business matters during our vacation. Just thinking about projects or important tasks waiting for us after our return will significantly limit the possibility of complete relaxation and detachment from work that each of us needs. Remember that a sudden change in lifestyle and re-implementation into professional activities after the holiday significantly affects our psychological comfort. So let's give ourselves a few days to return to our daily duties. The key here is the proper organization and distribution of tasks over time. We absolutely do not throw ourselves into the vortex of work. Details matter. It is worth taking care of order in your workplace and drawing up a detailed schedule of activities for the first days. Let's start with listing priorities and successively implement individual tasks - adds Marta Rolnik-Warmbier.