Mnemonics and memory exercises for children are ways of remembering through all the senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. With their help, children learn the necessary information easier and faster. Additional advantages of these methods are that they encourage activity, creativity and creative activity.
Learn how to work with your child so that they can effectively record a large amount of new information. Learn the techniques that will make learning the safety rules not only useful, but also fun.
One popular method is mnemonics. Mnemonic techniques use nursery rhymes, encrypted pictures, stories, jokes, movement and color. This avoids boredom. The variety of possibilities makes the lessons more interesting, which in turn translates into greater interest and involvement of the youngest students and better learning outcomes.
They are very important in the didactic process, but we must not forget that the most important thing is the child's development. It is very important that this development is accompanied by positive emotions. Therefore, for optimal development, a child needs love, support and a sense of security. In this context, it may be helpful for children and parents to exercise jointly, e.g. during everyday games at home.
It is equally important to build a child's self-esteem by noticing and appreciating his successes and not sparing him praise and encouragement to continue working. Undoubtedly, in the case of first-graders, it is a great idea to make classes more attractive with mnemonics.
Pictograms, poems and rhymes, mental maps, chains of associations, pantomimes are irreplaceable mnemonics in the education process.
Types of mnemonics: pictograms
A method that educates memory, imagination and creativity, consisting in illustrating the content of songs, poems, fairy tales, stories. Students make schematic drawings of the text to remember. During the classes, the first graders learn, among other things, road signs using this mnemonic technique.
Example exercise: Children prepare their drawing equivalents to the given names of characters.
Types of mnemonics: rhymes and rhymes
Mnemonicstraining memory (mainly auditory). It can be combined with movement. It involves children learning the rhyme texts, which make it easier for them to remember. The more fun and interesting the rhyme or rhyme, the better, because it will stay in the child's memory for a longer time.
An example is the rhyme "Crossing the road to the other side, only on the lanes is allowed".
Types of mnemonics: mental maps
This method is useful for organizing the content. It consists in placing an issue, word or drawing - a key in the center of a sheet of paper, and then attaching to it in the form of branches, entries, words or more detailed drawings. Thanks to this mnemonics, children are able to acquire a large amount of information in a short time. With this technique, children learn, inter alia, planets of the solar system by adding their names to the corresponding pictures.
Types of mnemonics: chain of associations
Mnemonics involving many senses. It consists in creating one's own associations, which make up a sequence of cause and effect. The elements of the chain are linked together to form a story or story. It is important that the story develops the imagination and contains a large dose of fantasy. This mnemonics is used, for example, in learning emergency numbers for the police, fire brigade and ambulance essential for children.
Sample exercise: children need to color the vehicles of these services and then link them to the correct emergency telephone numbers.
Types of mnemonics: pantomimes
A method of learning through movement and play. It is especially recommended for children starting school, for whom the need for expression is very high. This method can be used to learn numbers or the alphabet (e.g. the student's task is to represent a given number or letter with his / her body).
This method, especially favored by children, can be used by teachers while learning safe behavior, e.g. by role-playing by students of how to correctly cross the road or calling the ambulance.
Types of mnemonics: memory "hooks"
Mnemonic technique of associating numbers with objects resembling them in shape, e.g. 1 - candle, 2 - swan, 3 - heart, 4 - chair and so on.
This will be useful to youA memory exercise that can be used by parents is even a conversation with their child, initiated by the question: "What did you learn at school today?". A well-conducted conversation will also be a form of revision, and the systematic repetition of the material leads to its consolidation. This is especially important at an earlier ageschool. There is a reason why it is often said that "repetition is the mother of learning" and "training makes perfect."
Exercises to educate the child's memory
Deaf telephone:The task of the toddler is to repeat a sentence that was spoken in a whisper by the parent or another person participating in the game.
Sample exercise: the teacher, while playing, may suggest that the children should tell each other the address of their school loudly and clearly in their ear, so that they can safely reach it from anywhere.
We're going on a trip and taking it …:The fun is in the fact that each of the participants in turn says the first sequence of sentences, adding to it the name of the item they are taking on the trip. However, the words added by the predecessors should be taken into account. Playing requires the child's concentration and attention to what their predecessors say.
Forming sentences:The child's task is to form a sentence in which all words begin with the same sound, for example: "Pooh helped the first graders to walk correctly on the stripes."
Memo:Traditional game of matching pictures in pairs. The difficulty is that all the pictures are upside down on the table so that we see the same cards. Each player in turn reveals two cards. Whoever remembers the location of the largest number of pictures wins.
Associations:The game consists in matching pairs of pictures that match each other or searching in a set of pictures that do not match the others. The game develops memory, concentration, perceptiveness and logical thinking. Associations can be used for a task showing children which objects may be dangerous for them (e.g. scissors are sharp and children must handle them carefully).
Riddles, rebuses, puzzles:They develop the child's memory, the abstract ones educate the ability of logical and abstract thinking. Additionally, they enrich the vocabulary. Among them there are, among others, tasks such as "find the difference", "maze" or "missing letter", which require concentration, focus and persistence from children.
Nursery rhymes:Learn short rhyming rhymes that help to stimulate memory and practice other skills that are useful in the life of a first grader, such as the ability to be safe on the road. An example is rhyming, catchy poems.
Playing with words:The exercise consists in creating other words from the letters of the given word (e.g. screen - tap; shirts - basket, beehives; street - ul, inch, signal - track , congestion, gala). Play develops memory and awarenesslanguage of the child. Moreover, it enriches his vocabulary, both active and passive.