Young people get tired of cramming them. The elderly worry that they are forgetting more and more. We all admire people with excellent memories. Meanwhile, we also have it. And we can develop it at any age. We just need to work on memory a little and strengthen our mental potential.
If you are forgetting something, you are trying to remember it in the wrong way. Imagine an inverted pyramid - it's yourmemory , which is limitless: it can grow and constantly expand. Provided that you provide her with new tasks.
Today's world requires more and more of us. You have to be creative (a favorite word from job advertisements), learn more and, above all, know the languages. Under the pressure of these demands, most of us learn under a lot of stress - and achieve results disproportionately small to the effort involved. Because the more stress and tensions we experience, including physical tensions, the worse we think. But also vice versa - our intellectual abilities increase when we are relaxed.
Computer programs to increase mental potential
For over a dozen years, there have been special computer programs in the world that make it possible to tune brain waves to appropriate frequencies. During EEG Biofeedback training, electrodes are glued to the head and ear lobes - sensors of a traditional electroencephalograph connected to a computer. The therapist observes the waveform on the monitor. We see the game on the second monitor, e.g. a car driving on a road or a flowing river. We need to concentrate as much as possible, and at the same time calm down and relax, so that the car goes on the right track at maximum speed, or that the river becomes wider and wider. If it works, we hear a beep and the computer gives us points. In this way, our brain receives feedback - praise, and it learns to work at the correct frequency of the waves. Such training helps to heal neurological diseases. He althy people can use it to strengthen concentration, will, general self-control, creativity and positive thinking, increase their mental potential, improve sleep, well-being and self-esteem, and learn to relax.
ImportantModern memory techniques make it possible to effectively learn a foreign language at the rate of 1000 words in 1000 minutes, i.e. about 17 hours. ANDknowledge of 1000 words allows you to understand as much as 80 percent. colloquial speech in a foreign language.
The brain likes to chill out
Experiments have shown thatthe brainassimilates information better when alpha waves predominate - associated with relaxation and positive thinking. We are in this state twice a day: when we wake up and when we go to sleep.The mind , freed from an excess of external sensations and stress, is capable of creative work. To acquire the ability to achieve this state at any time, modern methods of learning foreign languages, mental fitness, as well as neurological and cardiac rehabilitation have been developed. Biofeedback devices (in English - biological feedback) are helpful in this, which use a computer record of the body's functions to control, for example, breathing, heart rate, muscle tension and brain waves.
What does our memory depend on
But it would be too good if we could learn without any effort. We owe the condition of our mind not only to relaxation and a sufficient amount of sleep. Our brain needs stimuli. Then it works more and more efficiently.

It's true that we lose nerve cells every moment. The memory, however, depends not on their number, but on the quality of connections between them. Neurons that fail to make connections die. New connections arise under the influence of new impressions and experiences. Their traces last a lifetime - in "hiding places" that we cannot open at our beck and call. Therefore, in order to activate the memory, it is necessary to constantly refresh it, work on it - remember and repeat, repeat, repeat.
Actors, whose profession requires constant learning and repetition, are usually in excellent mental form until late years. The conclusion is as follows: let's reject the principle "it is not worth remembering, because I can always refer to my notes or encyclopedia". Do not be afraid of "cluttering the memory" - each process of creative remembering is training. And training makes perfect.
It's best to have fun - just like a child who learns while having fun. Because trouble with memory also results from the fact that we underestimate the role of the imagination. We remember by force, and we should help each other by creating the so-called bookmarks - your own pictorial, dynamic associations, the funnier, more absurd, seemingly pointless, the better. Bookmarks allow you to take any information out of the brain's compartments.
How do I refresh my memory?
Following her footsteps. When something goes out of our head, we have to go back to where we thought about it. And our subconscious will find this information by itself. Therefore, it is worth remembering the circumstances and details of eachsituation, absorb with all your senses what is happening to us. Not only see, but hear and feel (by smell and touch). Record words, shapes, colors, smells, sounds. When we read something, we should imagine it - display an action movie on the screen of our brain - the more details we remember, the easier we will recreate the information obtained. Exercising the brain is not only learning and remembering, but also making new contacts, discovering new places. People who close themselves in their world, move away from others, walk along the beaten paths, avoid new impressions, have worse and worse memories and worse mental well-being. It is worth knowing that the improvement of memory is also influenced by gymnastics … of the body.
Where to go for helpCourses of effective learning and intellectual development:
Speed reading, effective learning, memory techniques:
Educational website: www.abckursy. pl / pamiec.php
Test your memory:
Right and left hemispheres
For many years it was believed that the learning process is the left hemisphere of the brain, also known as the logical one. In the 1980s, the University of Hamburg discovered that the activation of the right hemisphere of the brain increases the cognitive abilities several times and significantly increases the ability to remember. People who make full use of the right hemisphere are not only more creative and solve problems more efficiently, but they smile more and sleep better.
When we learn, both hemispheres of the brain should work synchronously. Then each of them achieves more (e.g. by studying mathematics, we acquire musical knowledge more easily; when we learn to dance, we also have success in learning languages, and by learning languages, we have more control over body movements). The secret is that the synchronization of the work of both hemispheres causes deep relaxation - that is, the state in which, as we have already said, knowledge comes into our head most easily.
What do the hemispheres of the brain do?
Lewa - our policeman and censor:
- sense of time
- order, order
- math and technical skills
- logical thinking,
- speech, reading and writing, writing sentences
- processing information sequentially
- analyze
- detail perception
- criticizing, judging
- do's and don'ts
Rights - our jester and artist:
- sense of rhythm and space (dimensions, proportions)
- creative and artistic abilities
- imagination and intuition
- sense of humor
- thinking in pictures
- manipulating symbols and colors
- seeing"Holistic"
- tendency to synthesize
- spontaneous behavior
What improves memory and the work of the brain
- positive attitude - never say "I can't", "I won't make it"
- frequent breaks in learning
- he althy eating with natural products, free from chemicals
- drinking the right amount of good water (essential for the brain, makes it easier to think)
- providing yourself with the right amount of vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium
- eating carbohydrates (the brain needs glucose)
- avoiding stimulants
- constantly learning new things and setting new memory tasks - learning a new language, remembering numbers, jokes, details of someone's appearance
- exercise your imagination - reading books, listening to radio reports and creating images in your head
- careful observation of the surroundings at any moment - absorbing with all senses
- recalling past events and as many details as possible
- keeping a diary and using pictures and symbols
- repeating before you start to forget
- accepting changes
- appreciating the humorous side of life - learn this from kids who laugh 250 times a day, while adults only 15 times a day
- exercise - engaging in regular exercise, both relaxing and energizing, that increases blood flow through the brain and removes stress hormones from the body that destroy memory
- note using mind maps - in terms of slogans, graphically, not in full sentences
How to synchronize both hemispheres of the brain
- while walking, bend over and alternately touch the right elbow to the left knee - and vice versa
- reach behind you with your left hand to your right foot - and vice versa
- use your left (or right, if not dominant) hand - turn on the light, brush your teeth, eat
- write with your left hand
- write in a mirror image (like Leonardo da Vinci)
- draw and paint a lot
- write and draw with both hands at the same time
- learn to juggle - back up stairs
Memory manual
We all have a great memory of perfect memory - says Marek Szurawski, author of the book "Memory - interactive training". In it, he proposes a detailed program of exercises developing imagination and the power of associations, achieving the state of "vigilant relaxation". Teaches memorizing techniques (using substitute words, phonetic digital alphabet - assigning numbers to the alphabet sounds, chain associationsand creating a memory system - 100 images for 100 numbers).
Advises how to build your own learning strategy, what conditions must be met in order to learn more effectively and joyfully, shows specific examples and gives specific tasks, including physical exercises.
The book also includes many quizzes and a memory test. Written with passion and joy (it feels like it), it is not only for reading (with pleasure) and practical use, but also … for discovering yourself. It will allow us to get to know our own style of thinking and personality profile. It is both a textbook and an adventure that inspires optimism and self-confidence.
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