A child with ADHD is aggressive - this is one of the most common myths about this disorder. Others argue that ADHD is the result of poor, stress-free parenting. Some people believe that ADHD does not exist at all. These and other myths about ADHD were de alt with by specialists during a press conference organized in Warsaw on the occasion of ADHD Awareness Week.
ADHD , or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is the most common childhood mental disorder. The prevalence of ADHD in the world ranges from 3 to 5 percent. As explained by prof. Filip Rybakowski, national consultant in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry, ADHD is a developmental disorder that occurs in approx. 5% of adults. children aged 7 to 13, mostly boys. It is estimated that there are about 100,000 such children in Poland. Even so, some people believe that ADHD does not exist at all. This is just one of the many false beliefs about this disorder. What are the truths and myths about ADHD?
ADHD does not exist - MYTH
Some people think ADHD doesn't exist, but it's been invented by pharmaceutical companies. This claim was referred to by prof. extra dr hab. Filip Rybakowski. "You might as well say there is no such thing as hypertension," he explains. However, if you observe people with high blood pressure for 20 or 30 years, you will find that they die of strokes and other complications. So it turns out that treating high blood pressure does make sense. It is similar with ADHD - explains the specialist. ADHD has complications too. Children with ADHD are more likely to die in traffic accidents and suffer head injuries, in adolescence they are more likely to use stimulants, become addicted and have conflicts with the law. - Therefore, the symptoms of ADHD are real and require treatment - emphasizes the specialist.
ADHD may be accompanied by other disorders - TRUE
Most children with ADHD have dyslexia or dysgraphia. With such deficits, the child quickly stops liking school and begins to rebel against it, especially when the environment requires him to use only skills that are disturbed through no fault of his own.
ADHD is hereditary - MYTH
- Although there is no ADHD gene, there are a number of genetic changes that contribute to the child developing disordersconcentration of attention and hyperactivity - explains prof. Tomasz Wolańczyk from the Department of Psychiatry of Developmental Age at the Medical University of Warsaw. Inheriting carelessness is a bit like inheriting height - tall parents are more likely to have a tall child - he explained.
ADHD - what are its symptoms?
A child with ADHD is aggressive - MYTH
- ADHD has three symptoms - impulsivity, hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder. There is no aggression among them - explains Ilona Lelito, substantive director of the Polish ADHD Society. This may appear as a complication of ADHD if it is not recognized early, she adds.
ADHD is caused by bad parenting - MYTH
Some people believe that ADHD is caused by poor or stress-free parenting. It's a myth. - Parents of children with ADHD put much more effort into their upbringing than the average parent of an ordinary child - argues Beata Chrzanowska-Pietraszuk from the Psychological Cabinet of Filtrowa in Warsaw. - We must realize that raising a child with ADHD is much more difficult and requires incredible patience, time and good organization - added prof. Wolańczyk.
A child with ADHD is often more intelligent than their peers - TRUE
People affected by ADHD are primarily endowed with extraordinary sensitivity, and this is an excellent platform for developing many talents. Among people diagnosed with ADHD or, based on the facts in their biographies, it may be presumed that they were affected, are scientists and inventors, such as Thomas Edison, who was kicked out after several months of attending school because he was deemed insane. Other prominent people with ADHD include Albert Einstein, John Lennon and Pablo Picasso.
Sugar causes hyperactivity and ADHD - MYTH
Sugar does not cause ADHD - explains Ilona Lelito. There has been a lot of scientific research showing that there is no link between sugar and this disorder. The results of one of them were published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology in 1994. Thirty-five children aged 5 to 7, whose mothers considered them "sensitive to sugar administration", participated in the experiment. The youngest were divided into two groups. Both were served drinks without sugar. However, the first group of parents was told that their children had gotten a large dose of sugar, the second group the truth. Mothers who were informed that their children drank sweetened beverages later reported that their children were significantly more hyperactive. It follows that it is not sugar that affects the assessment of children's behavior, but that is the attitude of adults.
ADHD grows out of- MYTH
U 60 percent Symptoms of patients also persist into adulthood and, if left untreated, may lead to impaired functioning and increase the risk of other mental disorders and substance abuse.