We have recently said goodbye to the old year, which was quite a challenge for many of us. The lingering effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have certainly had an impact on our mental he alth as well. What can you do to feel safer, calmer and more confident in the new year? Here are 8 suggestions.
There is no way to know what 2022 has in store for us. Caring and caring for ourselves cannot erase any grief, trauma or other difficulties we have faced in the last 12 months. However, the beginning of January is usually a reset time, when we want to leave behind what was wrong and look hopefully towards the future.
The beginning of the year is the right time to adopt new, he althy habits that will help you gradually bring more lightness and joy into your life. Sometimes small changes are enough to react more gently to unpleasant, emotional situations and to cope better with stress.
Here are 8 Mental Habits That Will Make Your Life Easier in 2022

Do you feel overwhelmed? Don't be shy to ask for help. If your mood is low and it lasts longer than 14 days, talk to your therapist. You don't need to be in a crisis to benefit from therapy. Mental he alth experts can help you cope with stress and find ways to deal with problems that are affecting your daily life.