Sleeve (cuff) resection of the stomach, i.e. sleeve is a bariatric surgery that removes about 2/3 of the stomach - this makes it irreversible. You can lose about 60 percent of your excess weight in the first two years after surgery. What are the pros and cons of this bariatric surgery? What is a sleeve gastrectomy? Watch a documentary about an obese patient and his path to surgery.
Sleeve (cuff) gastrectomy , commonly known as:sleeveis one of the newer methods of surgical treatment of obesity, i.e. bariatric surgery . It is usually performed laparoscopically. When sleeve gastrectomy has not produced the desired effect or the weight loss is unsatisfactory, other bariatric surgeries may be performed.
Sleeve gastrectomy: what is it about?
Sleeve gastrectomy is the removal of 2/3 of the lateral and lower parts of the stomach, which causes it to change from a sac to a narrow sleeve. As a result, the capacity of the stomach is reduced by about 90 percent and the rate of passage of food through the stomach increases. The secretion of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) is also significantly reduced, because it is produced in the part of the stomach that is removed during the sleeve gastrectomy.
Sleeve gastrectomy: the course of the procedure
Sleeve gastrectomy is performed under general anesthesia - the operation takes about 90 minutes. After surgery, the patient is given painkillers, and on the day of surgery, the patient should start to sit up. A hospital stay for several days is necessary, and you can return to normal activities after a few weeks. On the first day after surgery, an X-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract with a contrast agent is usually performed to assess the effect of the surgery.
After a bariatric sleeve surgery, you need to drastically change your eating habits. For the first 2 weeks after the treatment, it is advisable to follow a liquid or mixed diet. Then solid foods are gradually introduced.
Sleeve gastrectomy: indications for patients
- BMI 35-50 - calculate your BMI using the weight calculator
- strong motivation (consent to nutritional and psychological criteria)
- non-eatersweets
- not eating
- not eating under stress
- consent for post-hospital care
- consent to insert the implant in the body
- no heartburn
- no poorly controlled type 2 diabetes
Sleeve gastrectomy: advantages
- few complications
- does not require combinations
- is technically simpler operation than e.g. gastric bypass
- can be used as the first step of a two-step operation
- removes the part of the stomach that produces the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates the appetite
- there is no post-resection syndrome after the operation
- minimizes the risk of stomach ulcers
- no implant required
- Numerous scientific studies have also proven the beneficial effect of this type of operation on the control of, among others, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol or sleep apnea.
Sleeve gastrectomy: disadvantages
- it is possible to dilate a reduced stomach, which necessitates a second operation
- requires gastric incision and stitching, which has an impact on the risk of complications
- requires a more rigorous diet than e.g. gastric bypass
- does not limit the absorption of calories, which can slow down weight loss
- is irreversible as part of the stomach is removed
- long-term effects are unknown today
Sleeve gastrectomy: complications
The most common complications of sleeve gastrectomy include:
- infection of postoperative wounds
- bleeding from the cut off of the stomach
- leak and leak at the cut off of the stomach
- spleen damage requiring removal
- pneumonia or respiratory failure
- kidney failure requiring dialysis
- cardiovascular failure or heart attack
- deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, pulmonary embolism (see: Thrombosis)
- hernia in the postoperative scar
- vitamin and nutrient deficiencies
- postoperative depression.
The mortality rate for sleeve gastrectomy is less than 1 percent.
Michał Gątarek: I am a different person after bariatric surgery supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.