Stress in the workplace is experienced by everyone, regardless of their profession or position. As we accept as a norm that there is always pressure and stress at work, we do not believe that you can be a better, if less stressed employee.
Competition , high demands, fast paceof workand the necessity of constant changes cause constantly growing tension and motivate only a few to act without disturbing at the same time other spheres of life. Some people put everything on one card, and for them work is the main challenge in life. They most often suffer from workaholism or their career ends with professional burnout.
Stressoccurs not only as a result of being overburdened with duties. Nervous tension also appears when we are forced to wait for many hours, stay still or perform monotonous activities.
Bad work habits - how do they affect your he alth?
Causes of stress at work
Beyond the obvious, such as physical and verbal violence in the workplace, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination, there is a range of incidents that most of us consider normal and dangerous to your mental he alth. You are threatened by professional stress when there is a bad flow of information in the company, no importance is attached to the early resolution of conflicts, employees are not informed about the goals that the boss wants to achieve.
He is also favored by the lack of development prospects, fear of dismissal and low remuneration inadequate to the duties entrusted to him. It is dangerous for your superiors to expect you to be reliable and available, but also to perform activities that are below your qualifications, to be overloaded with too many tasks, and to work long hours. Stress can also result from insufficient workload.
Too many tasks is generally considered a worse situation than lazy peace in the office. However, studies show that in the latter case, the stress of spending long hours without work is just as hard to bear. That is why it is so important to organize tasks well and - which has recently become more and more popular in the world - the possibility of flexible working hours.
ImportantJean O'Riain, professor of sociology at the UniversityCalifornian, he examined a group of people working on new technologies. He stated that - despite their high qualifications and modern jobs - they are only a modern version of workers employed in nineteenth-century factories. They suffer from isolation, the risk of losing their jobs, long working hours and… physical fatigue. The phenomenon described by the American scientist is typical for most large enterprises, also in our country.
50-60 percent the duration of sickness absence is associated with stress in the workplace. Workers' sick leave and medical costs are estimated at EUR 20 billion in the EU and USD 150 billion per year in the US.
60% of Poles work ineffectively. Our commitment to work is falling
Less and more resistant to stress
It depends, among others from personality and temperament. People who are cheerful and optimistic about the world cope better with stress. Much also depends on the level of creativity, knowledge and views as well as the ability to relieve tension acquired with experience. It is also important to rely on other people. Loners tolerate the stress at work worse than social people surrounded by a group of friends and colleagues.
How to control stress
First, you need to be patient. First, think about your professional situation and set clear goals for the next year: you are fighting for a promotion, a raise, or you focus on improving your skills, e.g. learning foreign languages, or spending more time with your family. Just knowing your goals will make it easier for you to make choices - and this significantly reduces stress.
Assess what affects you positively and what is destructive at work. It is also necessary to organize your duties in such a way that every hour and a half, you take short breaks from work, e.g. get up for a few minutes from your desk, take a short walk. But the most important thing is to learn to reduce negative tension, i.e. do sports, take care of relaxation and learn a few simple relaxation techniques
Effects of stress at work
It starts with losing job satisfaction. You also have difficulty making decisions and you perceive any, even trivial, situation as a threat, not a task that requires your activity.
With time, problems with concentration, depression, pessimism appear. You begin to doubt our abilities. As a result, you are getting worse and worse with the performance of your official duties.
How can you fix it? It is worth taking regular coffee or tea breaks. Occupational psychologiststhey agree that five minutes spent sipping gently in the company of coworkers helps a lot to relieve the build-up of tension. You should also take care of good relations with colleagues - the feeling of acceptance by the group relieves stress.
This is how stress works on your body!

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