Now you work from home. You are finally your own master. You've got rid of the stress of strenuous commuting, traffic jams or crowds on the bus. You no longer have an overly demanding boss or a grumpy director. However, despite the many advantages, working from home is not free from disadvantages. Find out what difficulties await people working at home and how to deal with them.
Working from home you are the master of your own time. But is everything okay? Pay attention to your everyday behavior, as some of them can be destructive to your well-being in the long run. It turns out that in many respects working from home can be more strenuous than going to the office every day.
1. Don't give up on contacts with other people
Working in the office forced you to be in a specific environment, having friends, exchanging thoughts, gossiping in the corridor. Are you in touch with others now?
Work - bad habits
Psychologists say that for the he alth of our psyche, we should maintain contacts with other people. Whoever it may be - your neighbor, parents of your children's friends - remember that talking to people energizes and strengthens your motivation to work and live.
Or maybe you work from morning to night via the Internet and you only have virtual friends who, in addition, only serve you for "business purposes"?
2. Pay attention to how you dress
Maybe you will find it strange, because you dreamed of working in pajamas or wearing a stretched tracksuit instead of high heels. But you're at work! The outfit affects our well-being and productivity. If an office suit gives you an air of spirit, put it on even if no one is looking at you.
3. Don't be in doubt
When you were working in the office and some task was difficult for you, you could always discuss it with other colleagues, complain or even take advice. When you are alone and the task is not going your way, the most common response is self-blame and increasing discouragement. Instead of blaming yourself or sinking into a depression, break away and do something that will give you an immediate result. Wash the dishes, wipe the table. Make a note of what went wrong in your spare time to think about it, or maybe achat with someone.
4. Build a network of friends and good friends
You need friends to support you, to whom you can go for advice. If you meet new people and you think someone is a good candidate to be part of your "support group", don't hesitate to ask them to do so. Honesty comes in the price.
5. Create an emotional distance between you and work
You work at home, in the same space, where you also live private, family and social life. Make an appointment with yourself that you always finish at 5:00 PM. If you do not have a separate room for work, hide your computer and papers every day after work and spend the rest of the time in a different space of your apartment.
6. Don't spend "weekends at work"
On your days off, forget about your professional duties, and if you absolutely need to prepare something urgently, agree that you will have a pleasant time with friends and family first, and that you will work later and only for a certain period of time. Working at home, it's easy to fall into workaholism.