Singing (vocal) nodules are the result of straining the vocal cords. They most often appear in singers (hence the name), as well as in teachers and flashy children. The lumps of screeching teeth are not cancerous, but still require medical attention as soon as possible. What are the causes and symptoms of singing / vocal nodules? What is the treatment of this condition?
Singing / vocal nodules , also known asscreamer nodules , are small, round formations that develop on the vocal cords. There are two types of vocal nodules - soft and hard. The first ones appear at the initial stage of the disease development and disappear after limiting the vocal effort. However, if left untreated, they develop into hard lumps that require surgical intervention.
Singing / vocal nodules - causes
The cause of singing nodules is, among others, emission of too high sounds. For this reason, vocal nodules (singers) arise mainly in women, as their voice frequency is higher than in men. However, the main factor responsible for the development of vocal nodules is excessive forceful voice, speech and singing in inappropriate environmental conditions. Consequently, vocal cusps usually develop in people whose voice is a working tool - most often in singers, mainly tenors and sopranos, and teachers.Vocal nodulescan also occur in screaming children. The risk factors for such changes are acute and chronic inflammation of the larynx, as well as hormonal and allergic changes and smoking.
Singing / vocal nodules - symptoms
Symptoms of singing nodules are a trembling voice and hoarseness that worsens after prolonged talking. In addition, the patient complains of quick fatigue of the voice and a feeling of obstruction in the larynx. He also has difficulty maintaining pitch and breathing.
Singing / vocal nodules - diagnosis
In order to diagnose singing nodules, an examination of the larynx, i.e. laryngoscopy, is performed. A laryngoscope (laryngeal speculum) is inserted into the patient's throat - a device with a lighting device. Pale pink nodules covering the vocal folds are visible on examination. Moreover, the laryngeal mucosa can be red and swollen. Sometimes, in order to accurately assess changes, it doesvideo laryngoscopy.
This will be useful to youHard vocal nodules are an occupational disease
According to the regulation of the Council of Ministers of June 30, 2009 (Journal of Laws No. 105 of July 2, 2009, item 869), hard vocal nodules are considered an occupational disease, i.e. a disease caused by harmful factors for he alth occurring in the work environment or in connection with the way of performing work, referred to as "occupational exposure". Singing nodules are on the list of chronic diseases of the voice organ caused by excessive vocal effort lasting at least 15 years.
Singing / vocal nodules - treatment
Soft nodules that appear in the initial stage of the disease can be eliminated without surgery. You only need to save your voice. In this case, exercises in voice emission at a phoniatrist and mastering the art of diaphragm breathing are also helpful. The sick person should try to speak in a normal voice, not to shout over anyone or to whisper, as speaking also strains the vocal cords.
CHECK>>How to take care of your voice and not strain your vocal cords?
In addition, the patient should quit smoking and drinking alcohol. It is also important to humidify the air in which you are staying. The treatments are good for calcium-iodine iontophoresis (during the treatment, healing ions are introduced into the body by means of an electric field. They enter the body through the skin cells) and vibration massage of the larynx. When the lump becomes hard, surgical treatment is needed - microlaryngology. It is a procedure that involves removing the overgrown area of the vocal cords. After the procedure, it is necessary to remain silent and to use phoniatric rehabilitation (exercises in proper voice emission).