Halitosis, or unpleasant smell from the mouth, is rarely a sign of a serious illness, but it hinders interpersonal contacts. So, instead of chewing peppermint gum, try to eliminate the cause of the bad breath.

Halitosis , orbad breath , is rarely a sign of a serious illness, but hinders interpersonal contacts. And it's not aboutbad mouth odorafter eating garlic or onions. You can mask it by chewing parsley or mint gum. But in the case of halitosis, this solution does not work in the long run. To get rid of a problem, you need to find its cause.

Step one - visit to the dentist

Trackingcauses of bad breathstart by visiting your dentist. In 90 percent. cases of halitosis sources should be looked for in the mouth, inhabited by many strains of bacteria, including anaerobic ones, which cause the formation of volatile compounds with an unpleasant odor.

The multiplication of these bacteria is favored by improper oral hygiene. When brushing your teeth, it is possible that you are making a lot of mistakes - you are doing it carelessly and, above all, much too shortly. Also, you generally forget to clean your tongue, which is an ideal place for bacteria to grow.

The cause of bad breath may be large losses on the contact surfaces of the teeth (food remains accumulate there), unremoved roots, gangrene. The source of unpleasant odors may be gingivitis and periodontitis (e.g. the so-called pockets where bacteria multiply rapidly), ulcerations and mycosis. The emergence of bad breath is also associated with dry mouth caused by smoking, salivary gland disease, radiation therapy, and in postmenopausal women - also a decrease in estrogen levels. With a lack of saliva, the self-cleaning of the oral cavity is worse and the conditions for the growth of bacteria on the mucosa are better.

Step two - visit to the ENT specialist

The causes of halitosis are sometimes diseases of the throat and sinuses. If they are severe, it is not bad breath, but complaints that prompt you to see a doctor. - With tonsillitis, purulent or cheese-purulent discharge accumulates in the tonsil crypts (cavities), which smells unpleasant - says Dr. Piotr Chęciński, MD, otolaryngologist. "Until chronic inflammation is cured then."tonsils, it is not possible to regain fresh breath. The causes of halitosis are also tonsil stones. Food debris and exfoliated epithelium accumulate in the crypts of the palatine tonsils, widened as a result of suffering from angina, creating unpleasant-smelling lumps - adds Dr. Chęciński.

The doctor can also find other causes of bad breath, such as pharyngitis, often fungal, and chronic sinusitis.


Some people are prone to bad breath. The reason may be, among others too low pH in the mouth, which causes the rapid release of foul-smelling volatile compounds. In such a situation, first of all, a hygienic regime is necessary. This is the primary solution to this problem. It also helps to use mouth fluids containing 0.1%. a solution of chlorhexidine (e.g. Eludril, Corsodyl) and zinc tablets, which inhibit the release of volatile fragrances and have a bactericidal effect. However, you should not use mouthwash with alcohol - they dry the mucous membranes, which promotes the development of halitosis.

Step three - visit to an internist

- After ruling out ENT and dental diseases, you should examine your diet, stimulants and internal problems. The cause of halitosis is sometimes the menu - rich in meat, onions, chives, garlic - and ordinary overeating. It also happens that an unpleasant smell is a side effect of medications used, for example, those used in high blood pressure disease, heart failure or mental disorders. - Digestive problems such as gastritis, esophageal diverticula, acid reflux disease, intestinal flora disturbances and even constipation can also be to blame. Bad smell from the mouth can be the result of a malfunction of the internal organs, which results in an excess of toxic compounds in the body. It accompanies, for example, diseases such as renal and hepatic failure, diabetes mellitus - says the drug. med. Anna Jaworska, family medicine specialist.

You must do it

5 rules of oral hygiene

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day for 3 minutes using sweeping movements while brushing.
  • Remember to clean the interdental spaces with dental floss and the dorsal surface of the tongue with a flexible scraper (many toothbrushes are equipped with it) or with a special tongue brush.
  • If you have removable restorations, wash them in the evening with a hard toothbrush ( although they are also special for dentures) and unscented soap, and then put them overnight in a dry and airy place. Thanks to this, you will inhibit developmentmicroorganisms in the porous acrylic of the denture.
  • When wearing dentures, remember to also wash your gums and tongue with a soft brush.
  • In case of periodontal diseases, get an irrigator. It allows you to clean pockets and places inaccessible to the brush and thread.

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