The brain training we propose in the article below is four exercises to strengthen memory. Brain training is very important at a time when we are bombarded with thousands of important and unimportant information and more and more often we forget about the most important things. Fortunately, there are techniques to learn to remember quickly and permanently. We invite you to try them out!
- Brain training: concentrate
- Brain training: relax
- Brain training: exercises for good memory
- Brain training: use clever strategies
Brain trainingis just as important as that of the body. Why? Human memory behaves similarly to muscles - if we do not subject it to systematic effort, but constantly use various "supports", it quickly weakens and begins to fail. Systematic training will keep her in excellent condition.
Brain training: concentrate
What distracts us most from remembering important information is distraction. This happens when we try to do many things at the same time. This is only an apparent saving of time - in fact, these activities performed one after the other are shorter and are associated with much less errors. Remembering is a process that requires peace. Let's consider what external obstacles prevent us from reaching it and try to eliminate them.
Let's set, for example, the frequency of checking the e-mail, times of answering not very urgent calls, plan short breaks at work. In our free time, when we are reading a book, do not watch TV, and when making dinner, do not talk on the phone. All of this weakens the ability to focus.
Brain training: relax
In order for our brain to remember information permanently and then recreate it at a given moment, we need the ability to relax. We know that when we try to remember something under intense pressure, it usually doesn't work. After some time, when we are calm, the information returns as if on cue.
Meditation techniques are useful in learning to relax, as well as regular rest. It is also worth remembering situations when we felt blissful (e.g. lying on the beach and listening to the sound of the waves) and like a movierecreate this image when we need to quickly recall some information.
Brain training: exercises for good memory
Exercise 1.
Count all rectangles:

Exercise 2.
Look at the picture for a moment and try to redraw it:

Exercise 3.
Find hidden words in the following sequence, e.g. TRUSWPIESASDOIAJSD.
Kladplwzkopertazwofryzjerpolzulwtrezsapaportwasgłośswiugłaśnizplgłośnikgreowaddawosefaprezydenpapremiazenonzarbrpkcharewakepopiórodadekawaplmakwertdomzlenusufit2zerozwerklamkaerbuezdefebutwaokuklarytrekrestółzwerklnrolanzdopogyklwteatrqwczekkeczurządptaaptaki despodeskaprogrambzno8unszufladaser cearsenałanwawłazzzlewper8cgracerocer azqwlplasnartywersalkaporaczekającpow straukawkładnepzradiroirakioradiowopirat donawtronjagkjabłkrowdramatfghpomarat opracakbalunapartnoswafgaretcdachjkiytr vbladowaczkinotsafdermitawiertarlikrokod
Exercise 4.
Arrange the names of the professions from the letters below:
Gardener … … … … … … |
… … … … … … … |
The presented exercises were developed for the needs of the "Solution for forgetting" campaign.
This will be useful to youFactors facilitating remembering
- time needed to consolidate the obtained information after repeating it several times;
- motivation (e.g. passing an exam, willingness to shine during a discussion);
- interest in the remembered matter, pleasure it gives us;
- diet rich in complex carbohydrates (groats, cereals, multigrain bread), omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (fish), folic acid (green leafy vegetables), magnesium and B vitamins (legumes);
- exercise and fresh air that oxygenates the brain.
Brain training: use clever strategies
There are proven techniques that make remembering very easy.
- Associations.It's a very methoduseful for remembering proper names. Let's imagine, for example, that we meet Mr. Kerubiński. How not to forget his name? All we have to do is replace the letter "K" with "Ch" and imagine our new acquaintance as a golden pistol cherub. Let us associate the name of the village of Drążnie with a hollow trunk with a road running through it.
- Stories.If we have a list of tasks to remember for a given day, it is best to combine them into a specific, but not necessarily logical, sequence of thought. Let's say that tomorrow we want to: buy flowers for a friend who has a name day before work, prepare a report, call my mother in the afternoon, pick up the laundry and buy tomato sauce for dinner. Our story may look like this: we enter the office with an armful of flowers and hand them to a friend. She drops the pages of the report she is holding in her hand. The door opens and a mother enters with a laundry bag. Trying to help her, we accidentally spill tomato sauce on her clothes. The more absurd, exaggerated, comic or even scary an imaginary story becomes, the better we will remember it. It is important to engage as many senses as possible in it. Let the flowers smell stunning, the sauce will be blood red and the laundry soft. Let's also feel emotions: the joy of giving to a friend, being surprised by her mother's visit, anger at our own gazing.
- Locating.A good organizing system is useful for quickly recalling more information (eg a speechless presentation). First, we choose a room that we know well, e.g. the living room of our apartment, and in our thoughts we place the concepts that we want to remember in its individual places. At the same time, we try to adjust them to the functions of the equipment - e.g. let the table mean practical matters, the clock on the wall - the most urgent ones, the library - science. Moving in one direction, we "clean" one thing after another. After using this method several times, we will have a template ready to use.

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