The breakthrough in the methods of diagnosis, which took place in the 1990s, has now enabled enormous progress in the field of monitoring and treatment of epilepsy - a neurological disease that affects 12-15 thousand in Poland every year. people. Telemedicine in the treatment of epilepsy is proof that such a breakthrough has happened.
The QNeuro project is an integrated e-system supporting the diagnosis and management of patients with epilepsy. Its creator is Dr. med. Piotr Zwoliński. - My idea is to arm epileptology with digital technology. And cybernetic - explains Dr. Zwoliński. - Patient care will consist in creating a cloud-based system linking the patient with the doctor. A patient who enters the QNeuro system for the first time will have to prepare the so-called personal medical account. He will enter into the system all his data enabling the precise identification of a given person. The data will be protected with a three-layer code so that unauthorized persons cannot access it. After entering personal data, the patient will see a list of 400 certified epileptologists in Poland. Each of the doctors will be described with 20 different parameters, e.g. that he treats children, or that he does not treat children, but has professional experience, whether he is a woman or a man, etc. From this group, the patient will be able to choose a doctor for himself.
Telemedicine in the treatment of epilepsy - what is it?
The assumption of the QNeuro system is that, for example, a patient living in Warsaw can be under the care of a doctor from Szczecin. After the patient-doctor duo is created, the system will recommend a personal meeting of the parties. If the therapy is established and the devices available to the patient (mobile phone, personal computer, iPad, tablet, etc.) are equipped with QNeuro system tips, round-the-clock care will begin. The system will remind you to take your medications and that a new prescription is needed. He will also contact the doctor and remind him that for Jan Kowalski you need to write out a prescription and send it to the address provided. The system also appoints control tests. It is extremely important that patients will be equipped with miniature home EEG devices. Such a test can be performed by the patient at any time when his or her well-being worsens. The creators of the system plan that in the future they will equip their patients with devices that enable them to perform a videometric test, i.e. showing not only the EEG record, but also the image.patient, which is of great importance for the patient's safety.
How to recognize a seizure? See how to help a sick person
Telemedicine in the treatment of epilepsy - what are the benefits?
The most important thing is that the patient will have access to a doctor and advice when he needs it. If she does not take her medication on time, she may ask if she is to take two tablets now or not. If he loses consciousness and goes to the hospital, the doctor on duty there will be able to enter the QNeuro system available to him and find out, for example, what form of epilepsy the patient has, what medications he is taking, who is taking him, where is the family. - I am deeply convinced that the QNeuro system will greatly improve the quality of life of patients with epilepsy - says Dr. Zwoliński. - It is a 24-hour medical care at a very high level. Patients are probably interested in what the costs of this form of care will be. They will not be high - several hundred zlotys a year. You do not have to worry that the system will be complicated to use. We are talking about digital transmission, telemedicine, but the system will be constructed in such a way that it will guide everyone step by step.
Worth knowingFirst aid during an attack
If you witness a seizure, then:
- Place the patient in a suitable position and stay with him, do not move him, lift him or pull him. Do not try to revive the sick person by pouring water on him, patting his face, etc.
- Don't put anything in the sick person's mouth. Opening your mouth may injure your mouth.
- At the beginning of a major seizure, you may not be able to breathe for a while (20-30 seconds). This is normal, don't use artificial respiration.
- Don't use force against a sick person. The patient's consciousness is restricted or suppressed during the seizure. He may misunderstand your intentions and react aggressively to it. When the person is anxious or agitated, try to gently calm them down, but avoid force.