What causes my stuttering? Scientists have various assumptions, but no certainty. The causes of stuttering include defects in the nervous system, incorrect functioning of the speech and hearing apparatus, and even breathing disorders. Emotions also play a role in stuttering.
The causes of the stutteringare still unknown to this day. Typicallystutteringoccurs in childhood. Research clearly shows that children whose close relativesstuttersuffer from this condition three times more often. It has also been noticed that mothers of children who stutter speak faster than others and throw their children with questions and demands. More boys than girls stutter, which in turn is related to the fact that girls have a better developed corpus callosum connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brains of people who stutter shows that the activity of the right hemisphere is greater than that of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for speech.
Causes of stuttering: abnormal breathing
Lack of fluency in speech can be caused by various breathing disorders. In people who stutter, neuroscientists observe incomplete exhalation due to the next inhalation too quickly, thoracic breathing with a compressed diaphragm and non-activation of the abdominal respiratory muscles, asymmetric breathing when one part of the diaphragm is working at a different rhythm from the other, tightening of the vocal cords, contraction of the muscles of the tongue and palate.
Causes of stuttering: emotional problems
Stuttering after suffering a psychological trauma can occur not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. There are emotions associated with stuttering: fear, fear, guilt, fear of punishment, and hostility. Stuttering is more common in people with low self-esteem and low self-esteem. It is often a vicious circle because stuttering and the associated communication stress reduce self-esteem even more. Stuttering can be a symptom of neurosis or contribute to its worsening. The neurological and emotional background of stuttering is also evidenced by the fact that it is often accompanied by uncontrolled movements: turning the head and protruding it, wrinkling the forehead, tensing the neck, vibrating the cheek muscles, tightening the torso muscles, lifting and wrinkling the eyebrow, cramping the tongue and palate, and even rocking walking and stomping.
In the case of children, therapy begins with the parents. They must be taught to speak to the child more slowly, more clearly, not to overwhelm him with commands or remarks. They must also be patient in listening to the child, even when he or she is not speaking fluently, as impatience, criticism or discipline only makes the disorder worse.
Exercises with a speech therapist who works on pronunciation, especially difficult words, are important, because in many people who stutter, difficulties in speaking are manifested in specific words. The therapy also requires vocal training under the guidance of a speech therapist and gymnastics of the respiratory muscles. It is also worth investigating the child's hearing aid, as dysfunction may contribute to stuttering. Psychotherapy is also used to treat stuttering. Exercise with a speech therapist and psychotherapy is also a good method of treating stuttering in adults. There are companies that organize special therapeutic trips for people who stutter, both children and adults.