The term "telepathy" comes from the Greek language. It is a combination of two words: tele, meaning "far" and patheia - "feeling". By definition, telepathy means the ability to exchange thoughts with another person, without using any means of contact. What exactly is it about and is it possible to develop the ability of telepathy?

Telepathy - what is it?

Telepathy is the ability to communicate with another human being only through thoughts and emotions, without using any of the five senses known to man - touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell.

Humanity has credited itself with telepathy for a long time. Aborigines, they claim, communicate without words not only with each other, but also with nature, e.g. trees. Tibetans are said to be able to communicate by transmitting messages to each other via the wind. Another example of telepathy is the gut feeling a parent experiences when something bad happens to their child, even if they are thousands of kilometers away. Another example of telepathy is a skill that can often be observed during magicians' performances, when they ask an audience member to pick a specific card from the entire deck and easily guess which one was drawn.

So far, telepathy has not been confirmed in any scientific research, therefore, more than the subject of scientists 'interest, it has become the object of parapsychologists' interest.

Telepathic abilities of specific people are explained in different ways. The most popular theory is that the human brain works on a similar principle to radio waves, hence the name - the theory of radio waves. According to her, the brain of one person can send a wave to someone else's brain, through which our expectations, thoughts and feelings also flow. Scientists, however, strongly oppose this theory - they claim that such human electromagnetic radiation could "broadcast" at a distance of several or several centimeters at most. So we certainly wouldn't be able to guess the thoughts of a person living on the other side of the world.

Another theory says that man is surrounded by a morphogenetic field. Its author is Rupert Sheldrake, British biologist, graduate of Camrbidge and Harvard. Although this field is not visible to the "naked eye",this would be in the space around us and affect human behavior and the interactions between one person and another. According to this theory, the action of the field is to make one person feel that the other is thinking about him or to guess what is happening to him at a given moment. As it happens in cases where we feel that someone close to us will call us and this is what happens in a moment. In 2006, Sheldrake conducted an experiment in which he asked volunteers to provide phone numbers to their relatives and friends. The named people were then called and asked to guess who might be on the other side of the line - in 45 percent of the cases, the person guessed that it was the volunteer who had previously given them a phone number.

Telepathy - can you learn it?

According to advocates of the theory of telepathy, it can be learned. First of all, following the example of the Tibetan monks, you must train your ability to concentrate. So there are exercises like this that require a specific person to put a finger on their nose and focus their eyesight and attention on that nose. Even though his image will blur and he will "run away", you shouldn't give up and stay focused all the time. Another exemplary exercise is to place two people in adjacent rooms: one of them is to imagine a picture with all the power of his thoughts, and the other, thanks to his concentration and, above all - telepathy - should know what to draw, how to picture the thoughts of a person remaining In other room. Tibetans, in order to communicate their thoughts more easily, put themselves into a trance, often this method is also practiced by supporters of telepathy, pointing out that the most effective way is to induce hypnosis by an experienced person.
