Some come from long-lived families - no serious diseases were stored in their genes. However, others are not so lucky and inherit a tendency to cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, varicose veins. However, unfavorable genes are not a sentence.
Many diseases are genetic, but you don't have to get them. To get sick, you must be genetically unlucky, that is, two copies of a recessive gene. Specific gene systems and their mutations are more often responsible for the disorders of the body's work. So far, 1,112 genes responsible for various diseases have been identified.
Genes and diseases: preventive package
Even if your parents passed on to yougenesthat are conducive to many diseases, don't worry too much. You have an ace up your sleeve because you know what can happen to you. So choose prevention to outsmart nature.
Diabetes and genes
With a diet and an active lifestyle, family diabetes doesn't have to be yours. Excess sugar in the diet forces the pancreas to produce more and more insulin. To increase your chances, check your blood sugar level once a year. When the result is above the norm, see a doctor.
Allergy and genes
The risk of herinheritanceis high, especially when both parents are allergic. But you can live with allergies. Ask your doctor to take the tests. Do not be afraid of desensitization, because the vaccine eliminates the symptoms of allergy.
Depression and genes
Depression is hereditary. It is similar with other disorders of the nervous system. There is no effective cure for Alzheimer's disease, but there are proven treatments for depression. If mom was inclined to do this, learn different relaxation techniques to ward off any sorrows in time. Also, don't hesitate to ask for help from your friends, psychologist or psychiatrist.
Cardiovascular diseases and genes
If any of the parents had atherosclerosis, hypertension, or coronary heart disease, they could pass them on to their children.
The mechanism of inheritance of these diseases is not well known, but according to statistics it is 50-90 percent. they run in families. However, in this case, lifestyle is of great importance, and above all smoking, a diet rich in animal fats, lack of exercise and stress. In order not to share the fate of your parents, if you smoke - stop smoking, because smoketobacco damage the walls of the arteries. Change a fatty diet rich in fish, vegetables and fruits. Reach for spices (garlic, ginger) and olive oil. Every year, test the level of cholesterol (LDL and HDL fractions) and triglycerides, which are fat particles in the blood. Take your blood pressure every six months.
Obesity and genes
Its hereditary origin is conducive to heart disease. You can be slim by following a low calorie diet. If you are prone to gaining weight, it will be more difficult to lose weight, but it is not impossible to keep your figure. Measure your BMI. If the result shows you are overweight, calculate how many calories you need each day to keep your body fit. The Benedict and Harris formula will help you in this: add your weight in kg multiplied by 9.56 to 665.09. Add your height in cm multiplied by 1.84 to the result. From the result, subtract age in years multiplied by 4.67. Now multiply the result by the activity index: if you work in the office, it is 1.3, and when you are doing heavier work - 1.7. The last result is the amount of calories you need to keep in shape.
Varicose veins and genes
The tendency to them is associated with the acquisition of a predisposition to weak venous vessels. If you often have heavy and swollen legs (especially around the ankles), do a venous flow test. Knowing the condition of the veins, you can protect them, e.g. wear special tights (they look like regular ones), avoid overheating the legs. Being overweight is also conducive to varicose veins, so take care of your lines. Wear low-heeled shoes and practice. Any type of movement improves blood circulation in the legs. Keep your legs high when you rest.
Tumors and genes
The mechanism of their inheritance is better understood. In the case of breast, ovarian and colon cancer, strictly defined gene sequences are transferred, but it is only 3-8 percent. all illnesses.
- Ovarian cancer - it does not cause any clear symptoms for a long time. But by doing gynecological examinations, it can be detected at a time when it is not life-threatening and successfully treated. Genetically burdened women should also consider another option - prophylactic removal of the ovary and fallopian tube.
- Colorectal cancer - the family history of this cancer has been confirmed many times. The burdened persons should be under the care of a genetic clinic. The first examination (colonoscopy) is best done between 20-30. years of age, and then every 2-3 years, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. In the prevention of cancer, a diet based on vegetables, fruit, whole grain bread, fermented dairy products and fish, which should be replaced by red meat, is important.
- Breast cancer -even if fate is not kind, you can win. Examine your breasts once a month. After the age of 25, do a breast ultrasound and repeat it once a year. With the genetic burden of BRCA1, this may not be enough. MRI of the breast will be better. But there are other methods of prophylaxis, e.g. delaying menstruation for a year (by intensive exercise) reduces the risk of falling ill by 10%, breastfeeding for a month removes the risk by 2%. It is also worth being under the care of a genetic clinic.
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