Even 15-20 years ago, surgeons removed part of the stomach to heal peptic ulcer disease. Today, the stomach is removed - or part of it - only if cancer is found.

Sometimes it is enough to cut only partof the stomach . There are times, however, that you need to remove the whole thing. Afterresectionof an organ that is so important for the body, you can live quite normally, although you have to follow a few rules. First of all, the patient is obliged to follow thediet . He also has to spare himself, that is, no more drinking, smoking, irregular eating, and excessive effort.

What diet should be followed after gastrectomy?

Stomach resection disrupts the functioning of the digestive tract - it disrupts the digestive and absorption processes. Therefore, an easily digestible diet is necessary, but so balanced that the body gets the necessary ingredients. After removing part of the stomach, you need to eat small portions, but quite often: 5-6 meals a day. After the recovery period (usually it takes a month), we must provide the body with the right amount of protein: 1.5-2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. The diet should include: milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat (veal, peeled poultry, rabbit) and cold cuts (poultry, cooked ham). Lean fish such as pike, cod, zander are also a good source of protein.

What products are prohibited after having a part of the stomach resected?

You have to limit animal fats in your diet. Eliminate beans, peas, lentils, cabbage, cauliflowers, Brussels sprouts, onions, garlic, mushrooms, spicy and mature cheeses from your diet. Soups must not be prepared on fatty broths or seasoned with roux or cream. Dishes should be cooked in water or steam and baked in foil. Dishes are forbidden fried and baked using the traditional method. You have to say goodbye to hot spices (you can replace them, for example, with dill, parsley, cinnamon and anise) and drinks such as coffee, cocoa, chocolate, alcohol.

Why do you experience vomiting, diarrhea, and a pounding heartbeat after gastric resection

After removal of the stomach, some patients suffer from the so-called dumping syndrome. It causes unpleasant symptoms in the digestive and circulatory system. They are caused by un-digested food getting directly intobowels. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat 7-8 small meals a day. They must be easily digestible. The diet should also be rich in protein (but beware: milk and its products may aggravate the symptoms of dumping syndrome). It is worth including fats such as soft margarines, olive and vegetable oils, and butter. Avoid sweets: also drinks with added sugar, and even sweet fruit such as grapes. You can not drink during and immediately after a meal (you must do this before or between meals). After eating, it is a good idea to lie down for 15/20 minutes.

Once part of the stomach is cut out, the rest works reasonably well. What happens when you need to cut the whole thing out?

If the disease is not too advanced, part of the intestine can be adapted to take over the digestive functions.

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