Vitamin B8 (inositol) is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B8 also has other properties, thanks to which it can be used in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome or schizophrenia. What else does vitamin B8 (inositol) play in the body? What products are its source? How to dose it?
- Vitamin B8 (inositol) and polycystic ovary syndrome
- Vitamin B8 (inositol) can prevent birth defects?
- Vitamin B8 (inositol) - deficiency symptoms, dosage
- Vitamin B8 (inositol) - source of occurrence
Vitamin B8( inositol , or rather its form myo-inositol) commonly belongs to the B vitamins. However, naming myo Vitamin-inositol is not entirely precise as this compound is produced in the body. Its presence has been demonstrated in the brain, liver and kidneys.
It also circulates in the blood from where it is taken up by cells. Myo-inositol is also produced by saprophytic bacteria. Myo-inositol is a component of phospholipids and cell membranes, and plays an important role in cellular morpho- and cytogenesis, as well as in lipid synthesis. In addition, MI is a precursor in the synthesis of secondary hormone messengers such as gonadoliberin (GnRH), TSH and insulin.
Inositol was discovered over a hundred years ago in the urine of diabetic patients, but its importance was not recognized at that time. It wasn't until 1941 that Gavin and McHenry discovered its essential metabolic functions. Inositol has been identified as a substance that influences insulin sensitivity .¹
Vitamin B8 (inositol) and polycystic ovary syndrome
- Low inositol levels can lead to the development of hyperinsulinemia, which in turn leads to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Counteracting hyperinsulinemia with inositol is able to protect the female body against polycystic ovary syndrome, while increasing the frequency of ovulation and restoring its regularity and functions - says pharmacist Maria Lachór, an expert at
Vitamin B8 can be used in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome.
- In addition, women who take inositol are at lower riskhyperandrogenism, i.e. an excess of male sex hormones, also improves carbohydrate metabolism. Administration of inositol also increases the concentration of progesterone in the luteal phase and reduces the concentration of free testosterone. Simply put - it increases the chance of conception - she adds.
Inositol also has positive effects in the treatment of PCOS in overweight women. Supplementation reduces, among others body weight, insulin levels, LH hormone, and LH to FSH ratio. Inositol also lowers the insulin resistance index. Inositol is also effective in the therapy of PCOS women using in vitro. In this group, an improvement in the quality of oocytes and embryos is observed, as well as a greater number of pregnancies after the transfer.
Interesting use of inositol in women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Its anxiolytic and antidepressant effects reduce the emotional and mental symptoms associated with PMS.
Vitamin B8 (inositol) can prevent birth defects?
Recently, there have been reports suggesting the use of inositol in the prevention of folic acid-resistant neural tube defects.2
Vitamin B8 (inositol) - deficiency symptoms, dosage
The daily human diet provides about 1g of inositol, mainly in the form of MI, which covers the daily requirement for this substance, therefore deficiency symptoms are rare.
- To obtain the balance, it is necessary to provide the body with at least 1 g of inositol daily. Some therapies may require 2 to 4 g. Such supplementation should be started at least 3 months before trying for a child. You may also need to consult a doctor for its use, especially in a diagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, supplementation can complement the pharmacotherapy recommended by the gynecologist - says pharmacist Maria Lachór, an expert at
Vitamin B8 (inositol) - source of occurrence
Vitamin B8 is mainly found in milk, fruits, grains and vegetables. Doctors, however, recommend not to limit yourself to diet only, because it is too poor source of inositol. Supplementation is necessary. Today, there are preparations containing only vitamin B8 (in the form of tablets and powder sachets) as well as special combined therapies available on the market.