Amygdalin (vitamin B17, laetrile or laetrile) is considered an unconventional cancer drug in some countries. However, there is still some debate as to whether amygdalin is a safe anti-cancer drug. Its supporters argue that vitamin B17 can destroy any type of cancer. However, doctors warn that vitamin B17 therapy can lead to hydrogen cyanide poisoning.
Amygdalin (vitamin B17- although this is a wrong term, because there is no such vitamin in fact), otherwise alsolaetrile or laetrile, in some countries, such as Mexico, it is used not only as acancer drug , but also as a prophylactic therapy. As its supporters assure - amygdalin (vitamin B17,laetrile or laetrile) is an effective anti-cancer drug that allows you to remove cancerous tumors without the need for chemotherapy or surgery. However, some doctors warn against poisoning with the substance it decomposes in the body - hydrogen cyanide.
Amygdalin (vitamin B17,laetrile or laetrile) - where is it found? Where to buy? What's the price?
Amygdalin (vitamin B17) is an organic chemical compound from the group of glycosides, found in many plants. It is present in the highest concentration in almond seeds (LatinAmygdalus communis- hence the name amygdalin), as well as quinces, apricots, peaches, plums and cherries. It is amygdalin that gives them a specific bitter taste and aroma.
On the basis of amygdalin, a preparation was formerly produced under the name Laetrile, which is a synthetic derivative of amygdalin - mandelic nitrile glucuronide. However, the drug was withdrawn from the market by the FDA - Food and Drug Administration - due to the lack of evidence of its effectiveness and a high risk of cyanide poisoning.
Currently, amygdalin (vitamin B17,laetrile or laetrile) is available in some herbal stores, where it can be purchased in the form of bitter almonds or bitter apricot kernels. The price for 500 g ranges from 30 to 50 PLN.
Amygdalin (vitamin B17) is found in the seeds of the fruit
Source: TVN
Vitamin B17 therapy: is it effective against cancer? How does amygdalin work?
Amygdalin in the human body, under the influence of enzymatic reactions, breaks down intoglucose, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid), the s alts of which are called cyanides. The latter two substances, especially hydrogen cyanide, are poisonous and can lead to symptoms of poisoning in people who have overdosed on amygdalin. This is why vitamin B17 therapy has been criticized by some doctors.
The information on the website of the Polish League for Fighting Cancer shows that in the case of this substance, laboratory tests and tests on animals have shown divergent results regarding its anti-cancer activity. There are no controlled studies on patients, there are only incomplete treatment descriptions that do not confirm the possible efficacy of amygdalin in cancer therapy.
However, amygdalin supporters refute these allegations. According to them, the release of hydrogen cyanide occurs only in cancer cells, and he althy cells are not affected, therefore the risk of poisoning does not exist. As amygdalin therapy advocates argue, he althy cells in the body contain an enzyme called rhodanase, which prevents the release of hydrocyanic acid. Cancer cells do not have this enzyme. They contain another - beta-glucosidase, under the influence of which hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde are released into the cancer cell and, by interacting with each other, destroy it. As a result, the volume of the tumor gradually decreases, and hence - the risk of metastasis.
In addition, the pain associated with the disease disappears, because the molecules of benzoic aldehyde, after leaving the cancer cell, penetrate into he althy cells, where they are oxidized to benzoic acid, which acts, among others. pain reliever.
Amygdalin (vitamin B17,laetrile or laetrile) - research
Preclinical studies (laboratory and animal studies) were conducted with the use of amygdalin. Two animal studies of the action of laetrile / amygdalin by the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) showed no response, either when laetrile / amygdalin was administered alone or in combination with an enzyme that activates the body's secretion of laetrile / amygdalin cyanide.
Amygdalin and its derivatives are not well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, so the chance of reaching the cancer cell unchanged is small.
Animals experienced more side effects when laetrile / amygdalin was coadministered with the enzyme. Similar results were obtained in a model in which human breast and colon tumors were implanted in mice .²
In other laboratory studiescolorectal cancer cells have been shown to grow slightly slower than amygdalin. In turn, other studies have shown that the higher the doses of amygdalin, the more likely the prostate cancer cells to respond to treatment.
One study showed treatment response in mice with breast tumors when amygdalin was given together with enzymes and vitamin A, but not when given alone. In contrast, another study in rats found that amygdalin was ineffective in treating, preventing, or delaying the growth of tumors.
There have been no controlled clinical trials (studies comparing a group of patients receiving a new drug with a group not receiving treatment) with laetrile / amygdalin.
There is a known case where the combination of amygdalin with vitamin C led to death - a patient who took large doses of ascorbic acid and combined them with amygdalin died.
Although many individual reports (incomplete treatment reports for one or more patients) and case reports (detailed reports on diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of individual patients) are available, they provide little evidence of a possible the efficacy of laetrile / amygdalin in the treatment of cancer .²
For example, in 1953 a case series (group or series of case reports including patients undergoing similar treatment) of 44 patients treated with laetrile / amygdalin was published. Most of the patients who showed some improvement were also receiving radiotherapy or oncology treatments, so it is not known which treatment provided the observed therapeutic benefit .²
According to an expertEwa Ceborska-Scheiterbauer, dietitian, specialist in nutrition in diseases of civilizationVitamin B17 (amygdalin) in bitter apricot kernels for cancerI read that vitamin B17, or amygdalin, can help cancer patients? Is it true? Does eating bitter apricot kernels during cancer make sense?
Ewa Ceborska-Scheiterbauer: I strongly advise against taking amygdalin seeds. You can expect deterioration of digestive functions, such as indigestion, heartburn, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea. In patients with malabsorption syndrome, the absorption of other valuable nutrients may deteriorate. Moreover, unfortunately, there are no known interactions between vitamin B17 and cytostatics.
ImportantPeople interested in vitamin B17 therapy as a prophylactic therapy should seek medical advice in advance, especially if they suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Preparations fromamygdalin lower blood pressure.
People who are already struggling with cancer should also talk to their doctor about amygdalin therapy. It should be remembered that abandoning inpatient oncological treatment and choosing alternative methods of cancer treatment may have dire consequences.
If you decide to take vitamin B17 therapy, be careful what preparations you buy. Better to avoid insecure products from online stores.