The shoulder cortex is characterized by a characteristic "rushing" pain radiating from the cervical spine to the upper limb. This is a common affliction of people who perform heavy physical work, but also those who spend most of their time in front of the computer. What Else Can Cause Shoulder Cervix? How to deal with pain and what does rehabilitation look like in this condition?
Shoulder cervical , also known as shoulder girdle, brachialgia or shoulder neuralgia, is, next to sciatica or femur, one of the so-called radicular pain syndromes ("radicle"). The hallmark of shoulder cyst is pain, which usually occurs as soon as you wake up, and the severity of this pain is triggered by any head movement, coughing or sneezing.
Causes of shoulder pain
It is most often caused by pressure on the nerve roots in the cervical spine or by certain degenerative changes that occur in this place, usually as a result of prolonged pressure. They may concern the intervertebral joints, ligaments of the spine and intervertebral discs.
People who have a shoulder attack often also suffer from sciatica or thigh. Osteoarthritis of the spine may manifest itself in turns.
Degeneration is when the intervertebral disc becomes dehydrated, making it less flexible and more susceptible to damage. As it flattens, the distance between the vertebrae becomes smaller. Over time, the discs start to rub against each other, or they form osteophytes, which are bone growths that put pressure on the nerve roots. Another common cause of shoulder cyst is discopathy, a disease that in turn involves the bulging of the intervertebral disc and its displacement, which puts pressure on the structures of the spinal canal in the cervical segment. Other causes of shoulder cyst are:
- hormonal disorders - they can, for example, cause changes in the bone structure
- overload, be it from prolonged hard physical work or from sitting in one position (in front of the computer) for long hours
- neuralgia - i.e. neuralgia
- cancer
Shoulder symptoms
- pain in the arm radiating from the nape, through the entire limb, along the front or back side of the arm, up to the fingers, this pain feels like burning or burning, sometimes it also affects the shoulder blade and chest
- only a neck pain
- muscle weakness in the upper limb
- sensory disturbance, skin numbness
- paresthesia, i.e. tingling, burning, feeling "running through electricity"
- paresis (in the advanced stage of shoulder cervical)
Treatment and rehabilitation of shoulder pain
An interview alone is usually sufficient for a brachial diagnosis. In case of doubt, the doctor (neurologist or orthopedist) orders an X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, or computed tomography. The brachial gland should be differentiated from the painful shoulder syndrome, with the presence of the cervical rib, with the anterior slanting muscle syndrome and with the Pancoast syndrome.
In the most severe cases, shoulder fracture qualifies for a surgical operation. Usually, however, conservative treatment helps, including pharmacotherapy, i.e. mainly painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as drugs reducing muscle tension and physiotherapy (which can be implemented only after the acute pain phase has passed), that is:
- ultrasounds
- laser
- cryotherapy
- massages
People with a brachial gash are also advised to wear a special orthopedic collar that relieves the cervical spine. Kinesiotaping also gives good results - a relatively new method of covering the sore area with special plasters. They have a relaxing and stabilizing effect, and reduce ailments. You should also remember to spare your spine. Consciously change the position of the body so as not to make sudden movements and gestures that may increase the pain. On the other hand, after the end of the acute phase of shoulder pain, people with a tendency to develop this ailment should consider prophylaxis, i.e. exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck.
Usually tear - which is not a symptom of a more serious problem, such as cancer - almost spontaneously disappears after about 3-4 weeks. However, it should be borne in mind that this ailment "likes" to recur. To avoid this, you should work on changing your lifestyle habits - e.g. avoid sitting in one position for a long time.