Tennis elbow is a condition that has little to do with tennis. It is, however, an occupational disease of IT specialists and all those who work for a long time at the computer, as well as mechanics and fitters. What are the symptoms of a tennis elbow? And how to treat this condition?

Tennis elbowtolateral epicondylitis of the humerus( enthesopathia epicondyli lateralis humeri ), which is the result of degenerative changes occurring in the tendons in the elbow joint. Tennis elbow symptoms are complained of by tennis players, but the most important are those beginners who overload their wristsdue to poor playing technique . However, among all patients with this condition, tennis players make up a small percentage - only10 percentof all cases.
The remaining 90 percent of people complaining of this type of elbow pain include:
- office and IT workers,
- programmers,
- mechanics,
- fitters,
that is all those who spend hours doingrepetitive hand movements , such as typing on a computer keyboard or clicking a mouse, and rotating movements like screwing and removing screws that cause damage in collagen fibers of muscles and attachments . Therefore, this disease has been recognized as an occupational disease.
Pain, which is a symptom of a tennis elbow, is very painful.
Tennis elbow - reasons
The pain behindtennis elbowis not caused by inflammation, as has been assumed for years, but the secretion ofproteins that irritate the tissues . There is also the formation of pathological nerves and vessels within degenerated tissues. Tennis elbow is caused byoverloading the muscles surrounding the joint and muscle attachment . The microtrauma damages the collagen fibers in the tendons. Overloading leads todamage to the elbow flexors , which becomes increasingly difficult to straighten.
Tennis elbow - symptoms
The main symptom of a tennis elbow ispainthat occurs in specific situations. The pain is on the side of the elbow, on the outer side and occurs with wrist movements:
- pain when grasping, pressing and rotating,
- tissue tenderness during pressure, evenlight, in the elbow,
- pain increasing when straightening the wrist,
- difficulties in carrying out simple everyday activities: shaking hands or grasping a glass of drink.
If someone has such symptoms, he should see an orthopedist and start treatment and rehabilitation of the elbow.
Tennis elbow - Cosen test
A doctor or physical therapist can perform a Cozen test to make sure that your symptoms are actually tennis elbow symptoms. What is it about? It can be performed in two ways, in a sitting position.
Inin the first variantthe hand should be slightly removed from the body and directed towards it, bent at the elbow joint, the hand clenched into a fist. The examiner holds your arm in the elbow joint, the examiner's other hand is on your palm. Your task is to straighten your hand clenched into a fist.
Inthe second variantyour arm is extended and the examiner is trying to bend it. If you are experiencing pain on the inside of your elbow as you overcome resistance from the examiner, it's time to start treating your tennis elbow.
Tennis elbow - ad hoc ways
You can buy over the counter at the pharmacy:
- painkiller, anti-swelling, anti-inflammatory pills
- topical ointments and gels
- agents used to prepare anti-swelling compresses
In the case of this condition, temporary relief may also be provided byhome remedies :
- pouring cold water
- ice packs
- cabbage leaf wraps
- compresses with a solution of water and vinegar
- comfrey compresses
- plantain leaf wrap
Tennis elbow - what is the treatment
Treatment of tennis elbow was difficult or ineffective until recently. The problem was the correct diagnosis - tennis elbow was believed to be inflammatory, so steroids were administered, which usually only made the situation worse. The patient, who stopped feeling pain thanks to the medications, continued to strain his already damaged elbow. Today it is known that tennis elbow is the result of degenerative changes in the tendon. Treatment of a tennis elbow is thereforestimulating its regeneration .
Physiotherapy treatmentscan be very helpful in treating this condition, but they do not have regenerative properties. The most common treatments for tennis elbow are:
- ultrasound treatments,
- iontophoresis,
- cryotherapy,
- A professionally performed massage also helps.
Sometimesan orthosis or tapping is used to relieve the elbow joint.
Tennis elbow - non-surgical methods of treatment
- shock wave
One of the newest methods of treating tennis elbow is ESWT therapy, i.e. shock wave therapy. It is generated in an aqueous environment and applied through a gel applicator. The wave, primarily by acting on the receptors of nerve endings, has an analgesic effect. But it doesn't stop there. The high-energy wave blows cause positive changes in the cells to which they are applied. In the case of tennis elbow, they heal degenerated tendon fragments.
- self-blood injections
The plasma with blood platelets is centrifuged from the patient's own blood. Platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors that support the regeneration of damaged tissues. Thanks to them, a tendon damaged by repetitive movements, which caused the tennis elbow, returns to its normal state.
- Topaz therapy
In this method, the changed tissues are treated with a wave of radio frequency. Such therapy causes the reconstruction of collagen fibers - those that have been damaged, and the formation of new ones. Through a small, two-centimeter incision in the skin, the doctor inserts an electrode and makes a series of punctures in the sick area.
- magnetic resonance therapy in the MBST system
It is focused on the causes of degenerative joint diseases (such as joint degeneration, back pain, accident injuries or sports injuries) and is used for regenerative cell stimulation, i.e. the reconstruction of lost or damaged tissues, bones and cartilages.
Its mission is to bring about a significant improvement in the thickness, volume and surface of cartilage structures. The method is based on metabolic and biophysical processes. To this end, an electromagnetic field is generated in the MBST® therapy device in the area to be treated, and the supplied energy is transferred to the surrounding tissue. It is a non-invasive method that does not require surgical intervention, and is safe at the same time. Thanks to the regeneration of cartilage or bone tissue, the pain is noticeably alleviated for a long time (at least 4 years) or it subsides, and the functioning and mobility are restored.
Tennis elbow - surgical treatment
In casesof a particularly severe diseasesurgery is required. Surgical treatment of tennis elbow involves2 methods :
- Hohman's procedure- cutting the extensor muscle attachment 1 cm from the epicondyle of the bonebrachial
- Stucha treatment- excision in the block of muscle attachment and superficial periosteum of the cortical layer
How to protect yourself from a tennis elbow?
First of all, it is worth remembering to takeshort breaks at work(take a walk, relax your arms and hands, stretch them - to change the position to a more natural one for a while).
Additionally, it is worth considering the use of specialwrist rests,e.g. for a computer mouse with the so-called a "roller" under the wrist, which reduces the tension of the working tendons and muscles and makes the wrist positioning correct (they are not so much raised and bent upwards).
The specialtapes(so-called tapping) also prove to be helpful, as they are properly glued to help relieve the ligaments. It is also advisable to useelbow joints stabilizerssupporting the movements associated with this joint.
Remember that the elbow joint damaged by specific work is weakened and performing any activities with the elbow at a later stage may be associated with pain. Hence, we should remember to findforearm supportwhen sitting (using the handrails and armrests). It is important to pay attention not to rest your hands on the edges of the countertops, and to "catch" your hand on the pocket or belt while you are walking. Then we will relieve the elbow joint from carrying our own forearm.