Scheuermann's disease, or aseptic spinal necrosis or juvenile kyphosis, is a spinal disease in which, similarly to pathological kyphosis, the spine slowly bends backwards in the thoracic section. However, it only affects children before or during adolescence. What are the causes and symptoms of Scheuermann's disease? What is the treatment?
Scheuermann's disease , otherwiseaseptic necrosis of the spineorjuvenile kyphosis , is a spinal disease involving on the slow backward curve of the spine in the thoracic (most common), thoracic-lumbar or lumbar region. This process occurs most often in children aged 12-16 ( although sometimes the onset of the disease may start even at the age of 9).
The essence of Scheuermann's disease is necrosis and death of vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs of several adjacent vertebrae without the participation of viruses, fungi and bacteria. The reason for this process is insufficient blood supply to the bone tissue, which occurs as a result of breaking the vessels supplying these bones with blood.
The disease occurs in 0.4-8 percent of the population, approximately the same in boys and girls.
Scheuermann's disease (aseptic necrosis of the spine) - causes
Ischemia, and then necrosis and death of vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs may occur as a result of:
- blockages and clots;
- microtraumas of the vertebral bodies (e.g. as a result of jumps or jumps of the child while playing);
- overload (especially when bending forward and sitting down without support);
- hormonal disorders;
- immune disorders;
- genetic predisposition;
The risk factors include: vitamin A deficiency, primary muscle diseases and endocrine disorders.
Scheuermann's disease (aseptic necrosis of the spine) - symptoms
When the disease develops in the thoracic region, the following appear:
- so-called round back, and in the advanced stage of the disease, the so-called hump;
- shoulder forward;
- deepened curvature of the spine forward in the lower part of the spine, with a bulge in the abdomen;
When the lesions are located in the thoracic-lumbar or lumbar spine, a flat back is observed.
In addition, the child complains of back pain (described as dull and diffuse) (most often in the thoracic region) - especially after prolonged sitting, standing, walking, and after exercise or bending - and problems with bending and straightening the spine. In addition, you can observe rapidly increasing fatigue in the child.
Scheuermann's disease (aseptic necrosis of the spine) - diagnosis
The basic examination is an X-ray of the spine. In advanced Scheuermann's disease, worsening thoracic kyphosis is visible, usually with distortion of several vertebrae.
The doctor should rule out other possible diseases, such as round back, kyphosis in the course of childhood idiopathic osteoporosis, congenital kyphosis, infectious diseases of the spine.
Scheuermann's disease (aseptic necrosis of the spine) - treatment and rehabilitation
In the early stage, the child wears an orthopedic corset, performs exercises to strengthen the "muscular corset". In addition, you need to develop a habit of adopting the correct posture in your child. It is also important to relieve the spine, i.e. the child cannot sit at the desk for a long time or go for long walks. In addition, during rehabilitation, it may be helpful, among others massages, kinesiotaping, thermal treatments or electromagnetic fields. It is also advisable to practice some sports, such as ridge swimming or rock climbing. An important element of treatment is also a proper diet - rich in dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
Treatment of juvenile kyphosis depends on the severity of the disease
If the disease is at an advanced stage, a gypsum bed is used for 2-3 months (an orthopedic apparatus that is used for long-term immobilization, relief and correction of the spine in a lying position), then for the next several months the child wears a corset orthopedic. In case of pain, you can use painkillers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (orally or in the form of injections applied directly to the aching joints of the spine).
If the bones are very deformed and the pain is severe, surgery may be necessary.