Deep lordosis (or concave back) is a posture characterized by excessive bending of the spine forward in the lower back. Untreated lordosis may not only worsen and disrupt the proportions of the figure, but also cause serious complications, such as chronic back pain or arthritis. What are the causes and symptoms of lordosis? What is the treatment? What exercises should be performed to reduce lordosis?

Deep lordosis(colloquiallyconcave back, hyperlordosis ) is a posture defect consisting in progressively excessive, pathologicalflexing spine forward in the lumbar region(lower back).
The spine naturally bends slightly forward in the cervical and lumbar parts, and backwards in the thoracic and sacral parts. Thus, it absorbs shocks and supports the weight of the head. However, if the natural curve of the spine in the lumbar part is too great, it is referred to as pathological lordosis, deepened - hyperlordosis.
Lordoza - causes
Lordosis can be the result of poor body posture and / or lack of exercise, obesity, and a birth defect. Moreover, it can also be a consequence of:
- other posture defect - deepened kyphosis (excessive outward bending in the middle part of the back);
- injuries (e.g. hip dislocations),
- certain medical conditions, such as:
- rickets,
- muscular dystrophy (i.e. muscle wasting),
- achondroplasia (a disease that leads to dwarfism),
- it could also be a complication of tuberculosis.
Lordosis - symptoms
A man with lordosis looks like he is over-straightening. The characteristicletter Cforms between his buttocks and the middle of his spine. Then (looking at the patient from the side) you can see that:
- back is concave
- belly stuck out
- buttocks are more convex than normal
In addition, there may be pain in the lower back due to its excessive load, pain and / or tingling down to the buttocks and even the foot.
What are the complications after lordosis?Untreated lordosiscan lead to many complications inlater, such as:
- arthritis,
- chronic back pain,
- disorders in the hip girdle or lower limbs
Lordoza - diagnosis
To diagnose lordosis, simply lie on your back on a hard surface, thenput your hand under your lower back , over your buttocks. Correctly, the space under the lower back should be slightly larger than your hand. However, if it is higher, it indicates pathological lordosis.
Imaging tests - X-ray of the spine are helpful in diagnosing lordosis.
Lordosis - treatment
Not every form of lordosis requires specialist treatment. Only the correction of hyperlordosis should be considered during the treatment or prevention of body posture / pain in the spine. Appropriateexercisesmay be helpful to correct and prevent the defect from worsening.
However, for safety and effectiveness, they must be individually selected by a physiotherapist. Often, manual therapy is recommended to increase the freedom of movement within the spine and shoulder girdle, thanks to which you can correct the position of the spine in an appropriate way by exercising.
In a few cases it may be necessary to wearorthopedic corset , which presses on the spine to force its proper positioning. In very advanced cases, surgical treatment is necessary.
In obese people it is advisable tolose weight .
Lordosis - what positions to avoid?People struggling with Lordosis should avoid the following items:
- cradles,
- bridges,
- handstand,
- side flips,
- backward bends.
Artistic gymnastics, acrobatics, ballet and back or frog swimming are also inadvisable.
Lordoza - sample exercises
Lie on your back. Bend your right knee and pull it up to your chest while holding your knee with your hands. The other leg remains straight. Then bring the knee of the bent leg to the chest with your hands and at the same time press the extended leg to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times and repeat on the other leg.
Perform a propped knee. Then sit on your heels and at the same time put your arms forward (the so-called Japanese slope). Repeat the exercise 10 times.
So-called cat's back. Do a propped kneeling (on all fours). Place your hands shoulder-width apart, and your knees and feet acrosship width. Then breathe out and push your spine gently upward while moving your pelvis forward and lifting your head towards your sternum. Inhale and return to starting position.
According to an expert
Lordosis is an important curvature of the spine because it is a component of the spine's amortization system. However, deepening it often disturbs this balance and leads to overloads.
The so-called the posterior column of the spine, which includes the intervertebral joints and the paraspinal muscles. Also, the hip joints, by disturbing the position of the pelvis, can cause pain in people with this type of posture.
Sometimes it happens that deepened lordosis can be a factor leading to pain mainly of a muscular nature in the area of the knee joint and foot. The reason for this is the shifting of the center of gravity in the optimal position, which leads to the compensatory work of various muscles in order to maintain relative stability during movement and in static positions. Therefore, if it is possible, this disturbance should be normalized.
Corrective exercises should be performed at least 3 times a week. Only then will the child see the effects
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