The calcaneal spur can really make your life a bit more difficult. First, severe heel pain when you walk, and then one that does not leave you even when you sit or lie down. The cause of this severe pain may be the so-called heel spur, formed as a result of chronic inflammation. What is the treatment of a heel spur?
Heel spurusually teases people who practice some sports, such as tennis, volleyball or jogging. But it is also common in the elderly, whose feet become deformed for various reasons.The most common heel pain (in the back or in the middle) is caused by the heel spur and the Haglund spur.
How does the heel spur develop?
The cause of the heel spur is inflammation at the point where the heel bone connects to the heel fascia - a structure that tightens and relaxes with each step you take.
This inflammation is caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, an injury or being overloaded by being overweight. Too heavy a body causes the longitudinal arch of the foot to flatten significantly, which stretches the heel fascia even more.
Inflammation causes limestone to accumulate at the site of the attachment and a ridge, calledspur , forms on the heel bone from the sole of the sole.
Theheel (spur) of Haglundis created in a very similar way. The disease results from an abnormal shape of the calcaneus at the site of the Achilles tendon attachment. Its upper part is excessively sharpened and we are most often born with such a defect. When we wear shoes that are too small or slippers with a hard heel counter, we irritate the area. This causes inflammation and pain in the heel.
The heel spur is easy to confuse with another ailment. What?
Almost the same symptoms asheel spurcalcaneus are caused by tarsal canal syndrome. However, they do not result from the irritation of the aponeurosis, but from the nerve branch that innervates the area of the calcaneus.
A common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is valgus of the foot. In such a situation, the doctor recommends inserts and physiotherapy - laser, iontophoresis and ultrasounds.
Shock wave is not used for tarsal syndrome. Surgery is done slightly more often than with a heel spur or Haglund. It consists ofcutting the flexor cord and releasing any pressure on the posterior tibial nerve.
How is heel spur treated?
Pain in the heel caused byspurwill not go away by itself, you need to seek help from an orthopedist. Your doctor will interview and examine your foot by pressing and tapping on it.
It is important to locate the place of pain very precisely - near the heel spur it appears in the middle of the heel, on the sole side, while with the Haglund spur you can feel the pain in the back of the foot, above the heel. Then an x-ray is done. Only when you have a complete picture of the disease, you can start treatment.
Read:Which diseases are accompanied by: HEEL PAIN, COLD FEET, ITCHING AND CALVET CRUSHING
The heel spur is not surgically removed. Such operations did not eliminate the pain, and even intensified the symptoms.
In plantar fasciitis, it is important to wear comfortable shoes (especially low-heels, with a flexible and shock-absorbing sole), but it will not cure the disease.
Treatment begins with oral anti-inflammatory drugs. Gels and ointments with this effect do not work because they are not able to penetrate the 2-3 cm layer of fatty tissue on the bottom of the heel.
The basis of therapy, however, is rehabilitation. It includes physical therapy (iontophoresis, magnetic field, ultrasounds) and kinesitherapy, i.e. treatment with movement.
The patient under the supervision of a physiotherapist performs a set of exercises, which he then repeats himself at home for several or several weeks. Positive effects are also achieved by manual therapy (special massage), as it improves blood circulation and nourishes the area around the aponeurosis, which speeds up the healing process.
A good supplement to pharmacotherapy and physical therapy is wearing orthopedic insoles and gel heels. The latter are recommended only in the acute phase of inflammation. Do not wear them for too long as this can result in Achilles' tendon contracture.
Treatment lasts at least 3, sometimes even 6 months. It does not eliminate growths, but only inflammation - the cause of suffering. Haglund's spur is treated similarly, but no blockage is used, so as not to damage the Achilles tendon.
What to do when regular therapy does not help?
Heel pain may also be caused by, for example, neuralgia. Therefore, when conventional treatment does not help, diagnostics are extended. If other causes of ailments are excluded, it is recommended to wear special orthoses at night that stretch the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia for the next 3 months.
When the pain continues, you canuse shockwave therapy (ESWT) in treatment. It blocks pain stimuli, has anti-inflammatory properties, and stimulates tissue healing. Sometimes growth factors are used to treat the disease. They are obtained from the patient's blood and injected concentrated under ultrasound control into the area of the plantar fascia attachment.
Find out what can cause foot pain

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