Working at the computer for a long time, working on papers, and even sleeping on the wrong pillow can result in back pain. How can I get rid of it? Simple stretching and strengthening exercises are enough. We present a set of exercises that will relax tense muscles and relieve us of back pain, especially in the cervical spine.
The cervical is the most moving partof the spine . We can lean our head forward and back, move it sideways, make circles. Such a large range of movements is possible thanks to the construction of the cervical spine and the cervical-shoulder muscles.
The cervical spineconsists of 7 small vertebrae. The most important of these are the first two: the levator (apical vertebra - supporting the skull) and the rotator (rotating vertebra). The articular connection of the spine with the skull and the joint of the two upper cervical vertebrae ensure maximum head mobility. Other cervical vertebrae, intervertebral discs and numerous muscles also help. The neck and neck muscles provide effective stabilization of the cervical spine. If they are weakened and not strengthened with exercise, the pain is an unpleasant consequence.
Causes of neck pain
Neck painmay occur as a result of excessive muscle tension, for example, as a result of long work at a desk, long hours of driving, improper positioning of the head while sleeping, or sudden head movements. But the causes of pain are also degenerative changes that arise with age. They can manifest themselves as headaches (especially in the occipital area) worsening when leaning forward and backward, neck stiffness, dizziness and fainting, as well as pain radiating from the neck to the shoulder and further to the entire arm (the so-called brachial gland). These conditions occur as a result of pressure exerted by deformed vertebrae on the vertebral arteries in narrow bone canals or on the nerves that come out of the spinal cord.
If neck pain occurs from time to time and is related to muscle overload, exercises to relax and strengthen the muscles and rest will help. However, if the symptoms persist for a long time and appear frequently, the pain is dull, typically articular, a medical consultation and necessary tests (e.g. radiographs of the spine) are needed.carotid, tomographic examination, ultrasound examination of flows in the carotid and vertebral arteries). In this case, improper exercise may aggravate the degeneration, so it is better to rely on a physiotherapist.
1. Mobilization exercises
Stand apart (or sit down with your feet apart), slightly bend your knees, and place your hands on your thighs. Lower your head, then with a smooth motion, gently point it to the right, then to the left. Repeat 10 times.
Tilt your head back, then point it to the right, then to the left. Repeat 10 times.
Place the fingers of both hands on the nape of your neck, look straight ahead. Point your head to the right, then to the left. Repeat 10 times.
You must do itTake care of the cervical spine
1. Place the monitor in front of your face, not to the side.
2. When talking on the phone, do not hold the handset with your shoulder.
3. During long journeys by car or coach, wear a pillow-croissant made of a soft sponge to support your cervical spine.
4. Sleep on an ergonomic pillow (anatomical, orthopedic), preferably latex or thermoelastic foam, which under the influence of heat adjusts to the shape of the head and neck.
5. Avoid 'wrapping' your neck (e.g. in a draft, with the car window moved away), and avoid cooling your body, because it can increase neck pain.
6. You can alleviate excessive muscle tension with warm compresses (dip a towel in warm water and wring it out, put it on the back of your neck and pull it left and right), heating (e.g. with a hair dryer), massage (you can use an analgesic gel) .

2. Strengthening exercises
When sitting upright, place your feet apart. Look ahead. Place one hand (or both) on your forehead and try to press your forehead against your hand with all your strength while resisting with your hand. Mentally count to 10-15, let it go for 5-6 seconds and repeat the exercise. Do 3-4 sets of contractions and then relax the muscles.
Put your hands together at the back of your head. Press your head against your hands without letting it lean back. Hold for 10-15 seconds, let go for 5-6 seconds, and repeat the exercise. Do 3-4 sets, relax your neck muscles.
Put your right hand to your right ear. Press your head on your hand with all your strength while resisting with your hand. Hold for 10-15 seconds, let go of 5-6 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times. Relax your muscles. Reverse the exercise with the same number of repetitions. Relax your muscles. Variant: You can also do these exercises with a slight 15-degree head tilt.
3. Stretching exercise
When sitting upright, place your feet apart.Grasp the seat of the chair with your right hand (or place it on your thigh). Lower your right shoulder, put your left hand around your head and tilt it to the left. In this position, stretch the muscles (without deepening the movement) for 15-20 seconds. Relax your muscles. Perform the exercise on the other side.
When working at a desk, do not tilt your head forward excessively, rest a book or documents on a support or hold it at an angle. Take breaks to do a few exercises to relax your neck and nape muscles.
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