Tailbone pain can occur when sitting, as well as when sitting down and standing up. In addition, tailbone pain often occurs after a fall. Pregnant women can also complain about this ailment. In each of these cases, tailbone pain has different causes. Find out what tailbone pain means.
Pain in the coccyx(coccyx), i.e. the last section of the spine, in medical terminology iskokcygodynia(coccygodynia). Tailbone pain, depending oncause , may have a different intensity, extent - it may radiate e.g. to the buttocks or thighs, and also its duration - it may appear for several hours or days and spontaneously pass or become chronic and last for weeks or months. In addition, tailbone pain can occur when performing various activities, including while sitting, as well as when sitting down, standing up or walking.
Tailbone pain - sedentary lifestyle
A risk factor for tailbone pain is a sedentary lifestyle, especially frequent and long-term driving, as they contribute to back problems.
Tailbone pain - persistent constipation
During prolonged, persistent constipation, abdominal pain may appear, radiating even to the tailbone.
Tailbone pain after falling
Pain in the coccyx may appear after a fall, if the coccyx is damaged, e.g. bruises or fractures. In the latter case, surgery may even be necessary to remove the fragments of the broken bone.
Coccyx pain - sacral or coccyx neuralgia
The cause of coccyx pain may be neuralgia (neuralgia) of the sacral plexus - the largest nerve plexus in the human body, which is formed by the abdominal branches of the lumbar spinal, sacral and coccygeal nerves. This plexus is triangular in shape and lies on the pelvis, on the pear-shaped muscle (it begins on the pelvic surface of the sacrum). The coccyx plexus in turn innervates the skin of the sacrum and rectum area.
If the pain in this area is sharp, sharp, jerky and radiates in the area of the nerve innervation, and additionally it is paroxysmal (i.e. between periodsseconds, minutes or hours, there is a period of completely painless or mild symptoms), you may suspect sacral or coccyx neuralgia.
Tailbone pain - pilonidal cyst
A pilonidal cyst is a coccyx hair cyst. Its development occurs as a result of enlargement and infection of the hair follicles in the sacro-coccyx area. The most common symptom of the disease is a tumor located in the sacro-coccygeal region. The disease can also present itself as an acute abscess. This disorder most often affects men between 15 and 24 years of age who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Tailbone pain - Tarlov cysts
Tarlov cysts are reservoirs filled with cerebrospinal fluid located along the sacral nerves and nerves of the lower lumbar spine. These symptoms include pain in the sacrum (including the coccyx) which may radiate to one or both legs, pain in the buttocks when sitting, and pain in one or both legs. In addition, the function of the bladder and anal sphincters may be impaired.
This will be useful to youTailbone pain in pregnancy and after childbirth
Tailbone pain is a common ailment in expectant mothers. Its cause is the changes that occur in the woman's body under the influence of pregnancy. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the spine, which can result in pain, among others. coccyx. The risk of its occurrence is high in women with a history of tailbone injuries.
A aching tailbone can also appear after childbirth, especially if you have a hard one.
Tailbone pain - muscle overload
The pain in the coccyx may be the result of overloading the coccyx, levator ani or pear muscle.
Tailbone pain - diseases of the spine
Tailbone pain can be the result of pain in the upper spine radiating downward. Its causes can be various (e.g. spine degeneration, discopathy, sciatica).
CHECK>>What disease is SPINE PAIN? The first symptom of hemorrhoids is usually itching around the anus. There is also a slight bleeding, most often during a bowel movement (blood in the stool, stains of blood on the toilet paper). Pain in the coccyx and around the anus occurs when hemorrhoids are accompanied by e.g. inflammatory and thrombotic complications. Tailbone pain may be one of the symptoms of a giant cell tumor in the bonecruciate (a rare, usually benign bone tumor). Then, as the tumor grows, the pain also grows. There is also a blockage in urination. Tailbone pain may also indicate chordoma. It is a primary malignant bone tumor that develops in the sacro-caudal region in half of the cases. Chordates grow slowly, asymptomatically for a long period, complaints appear only after they reach large sizes. Another cancer that can cause tailbone pain is Ewing's sarcoma (this cancer most often occurs in the sacro-caudal region).Tailbone pain - hemorrhoids (haemorrhoids)
Tailbone pain - cancer